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Directing immune development to curb sky-rocketing diseaseOnce upon a time it was infectious diseases like polio, measles or tuberculosis that most worried parents. With these threats now largely under control, parents face a new challenge – sky-rocketing rates of non-infectious diseases such as asthma, allergies and autism.
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An evening for the future of autismJoin Dr Andrew Whitehouse, head of Developmental Disorders research at The Kids, as he shares with you his vision for autism research.
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App for AutismAn innovative iPad App developed in Western Australia could be the key to improved outcomes for kids with autism.
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Further evidence of testosterone link to autismA new study from Perth's The Kids for Child Health Research has uncovered more evidence of a link between early testosterone levels and autism.
Developing national guidelines for intervention with children on the autism spectrum in AustraliaInvestigators: Prof Andrew Whitehouse, Prof David Trembath Project description This project involves developing a national practice guideline for
The Siblings Project Gallery
A pilot evaluation of school-based LEGO robotics therapy for autistic studentsThere is emerging evidence that LEGO® therapy is an effective way of supporting younger autistic children develop their communication and social skills. LEGO® robotics therapy - which uses the principles of LEGO® therapy applied to LEGO® robotics - may be an age-appropriate intervention to reduce anxiety and increase social skills in autistic adolescents.
Motor problems in autism: Co-occurrence or feature?Motor features of autism have long been acknowledged by clinicians, researchers, and community stakeholders. Current DSM-5 and ICD-11 guidelines allow clinicians to assign a co-occurring diagnosis of developmental [motor] coordination disorder for autistic individuals with significant motor problems.
Estimated Therapy Costs and Downstream Cost Consequences of iBASIS-Video Interaction to Promote Positive Parenting Intervention vs Usual Care Among Children Displaying Early Behavioral Signs of Autism in AustraliaThe growing global prevalence of autism spectrum disorder is associated with increasing costs for support services. Ascertaining the effects of a successful preemptive intervention for infants showing early behavioral signs of autism on human services budgets is highly policy relevant.