Impact of integrating traditional care with the modern healthcare system in reducing tuberculosis diagnosis delays in Ethiopia: a clustered randomized controlled studyDiagnosis and treatment initiation delays for tuberculosis (TB) are significant challenges in resource-limited settings. These delays can result in poor treatment outcomes, disease transmission, and increased costs. This study aimed to assess the effect of integrating traditional care with modern healthcare systems on reducing TB diagnosis delay.
Prevalence of tuberculosis infection among contacts of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients: A systematic review and meta-analysisContact investigations with drug-susceptible tuberculosis (DS-TB) patients have demonstrated a high prevalence of tuberculosis infection (TBI). However, the prevalence of TBI among individuals in close contact with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients is poorly understood. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the prevalence of TBI among household and non-household contacts of DR-TB patients.
Impacts of armed conflicts on tuberculosis burden and treatment outcomes: a systematic reviewThis systematic review aimed to summarise existing literature on the impacts of armed conflicts on tuberculosis burden and treatment outcomes.
Geospatial Overlap of Undernutrition and Tuberculosis in EthiopiaUndernutrition is a key driver of the global tuberculosis (TB) epidemic, yet there is limited understanding regarding the spatial overlap of both diseases. This study aimed to determine the geographical co-distribution and socio-climatic factors of undernutrition and TB in Ethiopia.
Effectiveness of nutritional support to improve treatment adherence in patients with tuberculosis: a systematic reviewNutritional interventions substantially improve tuberculosis (TB) treatment outcomes and prevent complications. However, there is limited evidence about the connections between having nutritional support and TB treatment adherence. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of nutritional support in improving treatment adherence among patients with TB.
Impacts of body weight change on treatment outcomes in patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in Northwest EthiopiaMeasuring body weight during therapy has received insufficient attention in poor resource settings like Ethiopia. We aimed to investigate the association between weight change during therapy and treatment outcomes among patients with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in northwest Ethiopia.
Health system and environmental factors affecting global progress towards achieving End TB targets between 2015 and 2020Health system and environmental factors play a significant role in achieving the World Health Organization End Tuberculosis (TB) targets. However, quantitative measures are scarce or non-existent at a global level. We aimed to measure the progress made towards meeting the global End TB milestones from 2015 to 2020 and identify health system and environmental factors contributing to the success.
Determinants of drug-resistant tuberculosis in Hunan province, China: a case-control studyDrug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is a major public health threat in Hunan Province, with an increasing clinical burden in recent years. This study aimed to identify socio-demographic and clinical factors associated with DR-TB in Hunan province, China.
Burden of drug-resistant tuberculosis among contacts of index cases: A protocol for a systematic reviewPeople having close contact with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients are at increased risk of contracting and developing the disease. However, no comprehensive review has been undertaken to estimate the burden of DR-TB among contacts of DR-TB patients. Therefore, the current systematic review will quantify the prevalence and incidence of DR-TB among contacts of DR-TB patients.
Economic burden of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis on patients and households: a global systematic review and meta-analysisMultidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is a major health threat worldwide, causing a significant economic burden to patients and their families. Due to the longer duration of treatment and expensive second-line medicine, the economic burden of MDR-TB is assumed to be higher than drug-susceptible TB.