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Meet the The Kids Sarcoma Translational Research Team

This year for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month, we got to know the sarcoma research team at Telethon Kids.

News & Events

Kids cancer champion nominated for WA Australian of the Year

Dr Nick Gottardo, Co-Head of The Kids Research Institute Australia's Brain Tumour Research Team, has been announced a nominee for the 2018 WA Australian of the Year Award

News & Events

WA children with most aggressive cancers to benefit from Australian-first personalised medicine clinical trial

Personalised medicine for childhood cancers in West Australia is a step closer thanks to the Zero Childhood Cancer program’s state clinical trial launched today


National brain tumour registry: a new era of research collaboration with China

Cancer continues to be a leading cause of death globally. However, there remains a significant disparity in the reported incidence of cancer in developed countries, estimated to be 295.3 cases per 100,000 people, compared with only 115.7 in developing countries. Some of the reasons for this variation include lack of robust data collection with limited reporting systems, and insufficient data availability in the registries of these developing nations.

News & Events

World-first research to transform outcomes for First Nations children with cancer

A first of its kind research program at The Kids Research Institute Australia aims to develop new strategies to better treat First Nations children with cancer.


A surgically optimized intraoperative poly(I:C)-releasing hydrogel prevents cancer recurrence

Recurrences frequently occur following surgical removal of primary tumors. In many cancers, adjuvant therapies have limited efficacy. Surgery provides access to the tumor microenvironment, creating an opportunity for local therapy, in particular immunotherapy, which can induce local and systemic anti-cancer effects.


KMT2A-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

KMT2A-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) represents a high risk subtype of childhood ALL. Historical treatment strategies have comprised of intensification with conventional chemotherapy. However, outcomes have remained consistently poor compared to the advances that have been seen for other ALL subtypes, particularly for infants diagnosed before their first birthday


Invasive fungal disease and antifungal prophylaxis in children with acute leukaemia: a multicentre retrospective Australian cohort study

Invasive fungal disease is a common and important complication in children with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML). We describe the epidemiology of IFD in a large multicentre cohort of children with AML.


ErbB4 in the brain: Focus on high grade glioma

The epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family of receptor tyrosine kinases (RTKs) consists of EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, and ErbB4. These receptors play key roles in cell proliferation, angiogenesis, cell migration, and in some cases, tumor promotion.

News & Events

Funding boost for childhood cancer research projects

Projects to improve outcomes for leukaemia patients and reduce skin cancer rates in young Aboriginal people have received funding through Cancer Council WA.