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Cohort profile: The WAACHS Linked Data Study

Despite the volume of accumulating knowledge from prospective Aboriginal cohort studies, longitudinal data describing developmental trajectories in health and well-being is limited.


Looking beyond: complex holistic care needs of Syrian and Iraqi refugee children and adolescents

Protracted international conflict has seen escalating numbers of displaced and resettled Syrian and Iraqi refugees, raising concerns for their health and well-being. This paper describes the demographic and clinical profiles of recently resettled Syrian and Iraqi refugee children and adolescents across physical, psychosocial, developmental and educational domains using standardised multidisciplinary assessments.


Implementation of a strategy to facilitate effective medical follow-up for Australian First Nations children hospitalised with lower respiratory tract infections: study protocol

First Nations children hospitalised with acute lower respiratory infections (ALRIs) are at increased risk of future bronchiectasis (up to 15-19%) within 24-months post-hospitalisation. An identified predictive factor is persistent wet cough a month after hospitalisation and this is likely related to protracted bacterial bronchitis which can progress to bronchiectasis, if untreated.


Updating the profile of C-terminal MECP2 deletions in Rett syndrome

This study aimed to compare the phenotype of Rett syndrome cases with C-terminal deletions to that of cases with different MECP2 mutations


Fetal growth and risk of childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

The relation between intrauterine growth and risk of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia was investigated in an Australian population-based case-control...


Gross Motor Profile in Rett Syndrome as Determined by Video Analysis

This study used video supplemented by parent report data to describe the gross motor profile in females with Rett syndrome (n=99) and to investigate...


The diagnosis of autism in a female: could it be Rett syndrome?

The aims of this study were to compare the early and subsequent clinical courses of female subjects with Rett syndrome categorised by whether...


Seizures in Rett syndrome: an overview from a one-year calendar study

Information on daily seizure occurrence and health service utilization and monthly anti-epileptic drug use was provided on 162 Rett syndrome cases for a...


Biostatistics is a vital component of almost every research project conducted at The Kids. It is the application of statistical methodology within the areas of medical, biological and social sciences.


Dimensional Assessment of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors: Development and Preliminary Validation of a New Measure

This study aimed to provide initial validation of the Dimensional Assessment of Restricted and Repetitive Behaviors (DARB), a new parent-report measure designed to capture the full range of key restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRB) subdomains.