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Indigenous Capacity Building Grant (ICBG)

This was a five year grant from the NHMRC to build research capacity in ten Aboriginal researchers


Social support helps protects against depressed mood in adolescence

The goals of the current study were to identify different trajectories of sadness from Grade 6 to 9 in Australian school students, and to explore the role that social support from school, teachers, friends and families play in supporting students’ mental health.


Mechanisms of IgE sensitization

This project investigates how cells of the immune system respond to substances to cause allergies to help develop new treatments.


Characterization of “bystander” effects of the diphtheria-pertussis-tetanus (DTP) vaccine on the IgE system

We are seeking more detailed information on how the immune system of infants responds to the vaccine, with the aim of identifying which aspects of the immune r


Family Study of Ear Health and Metabolic Diseases in a Western Australian Aboriginal Community

To determine whether these extreme manifestations of disease are associated with rare or novel genetic variants in a Western Australian Aboriginal population.


“It’s all gone quiet…” MUSIC from COVID19

Hannah Huong Christopher Moore Le Blyth OAM BSc (Hons) GradDipClinEpi PhD MA (Dev. Econ), MA (App. Stats), PhD (Econ) MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD


A prevalence study on parents with intellectual disability and their children

Melissa Helen O'Donnell Leonard BPsych (Hons), MPsych, GradDip Ed, PhD MBChB MPH Honorary Research Associate Principal Research Fellow +61 419 956


A randomised-controlled trial of a behavioural intervention for optimising social and communication development in newborns at increased likelihood of autism spectrum disorders

Andrew Kandice Matt Melissa Videos Whitehouse Watch and listen to Andrew Varcin Cooper Licari PhD M.Psych (Clinical), PhD BCA Marketing, BSc


A trauma-focused program for childhood and adolescent dissociation

Dissociation is the act of separating oneself from reality and is often used by children and young people to disconnect from traumatic experiences.