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Reference exome data for Australian Aboriginal populations to support health-based research

Our data set provides a useful reference point for genomic studies on Aboriginal Australians


Lessons learned in genetic research with Indigenous Australian participants

We reflect on the lessons learned from a recent genome‐wide association study of rheumatic heart disease with Aboriginal Australian participants


“If you don't speak from the heart, the young mob aren't going to listen at all”: An invitation for youth mental health services to engage in new ways of working

Building Bridges demonstrates the centrality of trusting relationships for systemic change and the way in which meaningful engagement is at the core of both the process and the outcome


Review of Aboriginal child health services in remote Western Australia identifies challenges and informs solution

We aimed to identify and map child health services in the very remote Fitzroy Valley, West Kimberley, and document barriers to effective service delivery


The Nguudu Barndimanmanha Project-Improving Social and Emotional Wellbeing in Aboriginal Youth Through Equine Assisted Learning

We observed improvements in self-regulation, self-awareness, and socialization skills, evident from the photography recording and the questionnaire data


Australian Aboriginal children have higher hospitalization rates for otitis media but lower surgical procedures than non-Aboriginal children

Aboriginal children and children from lower socio-economic backgrounds were over-represented with OM-related hospitalizations but had fewer TTIs


Arylsulphatase A Pseudodeficiency (ARSA-PD), hypertension and chronic renal disease in Aboriginal Australians

Traits associated with CVD, CRD and T2D in Aboriginal Australians provide novel insight into function of Arylsulphatase A Pseudodeficiency variants


Exploring factors impacting early childhood health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families and communities

The impact of perinatal outcomes, maternal social and health outcomes and level of culturally secure service availability on the health outcomes of Western Australian Aboriginal infants and children


An Evaluation of the National Empowerment Project Cultural, Social, and Emotional Wellbeing Program

Participant’s interviews describe how the Cultural, Social and Emotional Well Being(CSEWB) Program significantly changed their lives and their families’ lives in various constructive and affirming ways to bring about positive outcomes.


Peer-led Aboriginal parent support: Program development for vulnerable populations with participatory action research

The themes that emerged from the data and addressed the methodological aim were the need for safe communication processes; supportive engagement processes and supportive organisational processes.