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Genetic variants of TLR4, including the novel variant, rs5030719, and related genes are associated with susceptibility to clinical malaria in African children

Malaria is a deadly disease caused by Plasmodium spp. Several blood phenotypes have been associated with malarial resistance, which suggests a genetic component to immune protection.


Time-out for well-being: A mixed methods evaluation of attitudes and likelihood to engage in different types of online emotional well-being programmes in the perinatal period

Positive maternal mental health during the perinatal period contributes to general well-being and positive emotional bonds with the child, encouraging an optimal developmental trajectory. Online interventions to enhance maternal well-being and develop coping skills, such as meditation-based interventions, can be a low-cost way to improve mother and child outcomes.


Study Protocol for a Stepped-Wedge Cluster (Nested) Randomized Controlled Trial of Antenatal Colostrum Expression (ACE) Instruction in First-Time Mothers: The ACE Study

Although many mothers initiate breastfeeding, supplementation with human-milk substitutes (formula) during the birth hospitalization is common and has been associated with early breastfeeding cessation. Colostrum hand expressed in the last few weeks before birth, known as antenatal colostrum expression (ACE), can be used instead of human-milk substitutes. However, evidence is lacking on the efficacy of ACE on breastfeeding outcomes and in non-diabetic mothers. 


Probiotic supplementation in neonates and long-term gut colonisation: A systematic review of randomised controlled trials

Probiotic supplementation in the neonatal period results in improved gut colonisation with probiotic bacteria in the short term. There is limited information on the long-term sustainability of this colonisation. 


Food Challenge and Community-Reported Reaction Profiles in Food-Allergic Children Aged 1 and 4 Years: A Population-Based Study.

This publication compares reaction profiles from food challenges and parent-reported reactions on accidental ingestion, and assess predictors of severe reactions.


The Secret Life of Your Microbiome: Why Nature and Biodiversity are Essential to Health and Happiness

The Secret Life of Your Microbiome shatters this deeply held myth, presenting a revolutionary new paradigm, backed by vast science


25-hydroxyvitamin D status of pregnant women is associated with the use of antenatal vitamin supplements and ambient ultraviolet radiation

Vitamin D deficiency in a predominantly white Caucasian cohort of pregnant women is less prevalent than has been reported in other studies


Cohort profile of the HealthNuts study: Population prevalence and environmental/genetic predictors of food allergy

HealthNuts is a single-centre, multi-wave, population-based longitudinal study designed to assess prevalence, determinants, natural history and allergy...


Randomized controlled trial of early regular egg intake to prevent egg allergy

We aimed to determine whether regular consumption of egg protein from 4-6 month old reduced the risk of IgE-mediated egg allergy in infants without eczema.


The gut microbiota and inflammatory noncommunicable diseases: Associations and potentials for gut microbiota therapies

This article discusses the relationships between gut colonization & inflammatory noncommunicable diseases, in regards to their treatment and prevention.