Our journey, our story: a study protocol for the evaluation of a co-design framework to improve services for Aboriginal youth mental health and well-beingMainstream Australian mental health services are failing Aboriginal young people. Despite investing resources, improvements in well-being have not materialised. Culturally and age appropriate ways of working are needed to improve service access and responsiveness. This Aboriginal-led study brings Aboriginal Elders, young people and youth mental health service staff together to build relationships to co-design service models and evaluation tools.
Comparison of stillbirth trends over two decades in Wales, United Kingdom and Western Australia: An international retrospective cohort studyStillbirth is a critical public health issue worldwide. While the rates in high-income countries are relatively low, there are persistent between-country disparities. We compared stillbirth rates and trends in Wales and the State of Western Australia (WA), Australia, and provide insights into any differences.
Connection to... Addressing Digital Inequities in Supporting the Well-Being of Young Indigenous Australians in the Wake of COVID-19This article examines whether connection to digital technologies helps connect young Indigenous people in Australia to culture, community and country to support good mental health and well-being and protect against indirect and potentially long-term effects of COVID-19.
The rationale for action to end new cases of rheumatic heart disease in AustraliaThe choice of RHD is telling: the disease is a marker of inequality, a novel lens for considering health systems and a feasible target for disease control.
The impact of racial discrimination on the health of Australian Indigenous children aged 5–10 years: analysis of national longitudinal dataDirect and persistent vicarious racial discrimination are detrimental to the physical and mental health of Indigenous children in Australia
Hospital use in Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal patients with chronic diseaseAboriginal people use health services in a different manner when compared to non-Aboriginal people
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children and child sexual abuse in institutional settingsThe Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse commissioned The Kids Research Institute Australia to collaborate on a report
Relationships between Psychosocial Resilience and Physical Health Status of Western Australian Urban Aboriginal YouthThe aim of this study was to investigate the extent to which factors previously documented as buffering the impact of high-risk family environments on...