Significant Association between Common Polymorphisms in the Aromatase Gene CYP19A1 and Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women17β-Estradiol is important in maintaining bone structure, and regulation of its synthesis plays an important role in the development of postmenopausal...
Maternal serum unmetabolized folic acid concentration following multivitamin and mineral supplementation with or without folic acid after 12 weeks gestation: A randomized controlled trialPregnant women are advised to take folic acid (FA) supplements before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy. Many women continue FA supplementation throughout pregnancy, and concerns have been raised about associations between excessive FA intake and adverse maternal and child health outcomes.
Efficacy of the MiniMed™ 670G hybrid closed loop system in managing postprandial glucose excursion with high protein high fat foods in children and adolescents under free-living conditionsHigh protein high fat meals are considered “difficult” foods because they can cause prolonged hyperglycemia after ingestion. The potential of hybrid closed loop therapy in managing postprandial glucose excursions with these difficult foods remains unknown. This pilot study aimed to explore the impact of manual mode in standard insulin pump therapy and auto mode with hybrid closed loop pump therapy in managing glucose excursions caused by HPHF foods and to obtain feedback from families about each mode.
An anti-junk food ad from a sports commercial break reduced junk food consumption inclinations, yet junk food ads had minimal to no impactIn Australia, there are concerns that unrestricted junk food advertising during sports broadcasts increases short-term junk food consumption among viewers. Therefore, the present study aimed to estimate the impact of junk food and anti-junk food advertising on consumption inclinations.
Prevalence of Eating Disorder Symptoms in Transgender and Gender Diverse Adolescents Presenting for Gender-Affirming CareTo describe the prevalence of eating disorder symptoms among adolescents seeking gender-affirming care.
A Co-Designed Online Education Resource on Gastrostomy Feeding for Parents and Caregivers to Support Clinical CareChildren with complex needs and severe disability may undergo gastrostomy insertion to support feeding difficulties. Parent education programs are critical components of clinical care pathways but there is little information on parent-reported educational needs. This study describes the collaborative process that yielded a resource to assist parents considering gastrostomy tube placement for their children, and the evaluation of the resource.
Powerful promotions: An investigation of the teen-directed marketing power of outdoor food advertisements located near schools in AustraliaAdolescents are heavily exposed to unhealthy outdoor food advertisements near schools, however, the marketing power of these advertisements among adolescents has not yet been explored. This study aimed to investigate the teen-directed marketing features present and quantify the overall marketing power of outdoor food advertisements located near schools to explore any differences by content (ie, alcohol, discretionary, core and miscellaneous foods) school type (ie, primary, secondary, K-12) and area-level socio-economic status (SES; ie, low vs high).
Does fast-food outlet density differ by area-level disadvantage in metropolitan Perth, Western Australia?Socio-economic spatial patterning of fast-food outlets can result in disparities in the availability and access of food across geographic areas, contributing to health inequalities. This study investigated whether area-level socio-economic disparities exist in fast-food availability across the Perth metropolitan region of Western Australia.
A multifaceted approach increased staff confidence to develop outside of school hours care as a health promoting settingOutside-of-school-hours-care (OSHC) services are well positioned to influence the health behaviours of 489, 800 Australian children, and are an important setting for health promotion given the current rates of childhood overweight and obesity and associated health risks. OSHC Professionals are ideally placed to become positive influencers in this setting, although they may require training and support to confidently perform this role.
Individual, Social, and Environmental Correlates of Energy Drink Use Among AdolescentsTo investigate the correlates of adolescent energy drink use using a socioecological approach to inform future interventions.