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The use of honey in the perioperative care of tonsillectomy patients-A narrative review

Tonsillectomy is one of the most common surgical procedures in childhood. While generally safe, it often is associated with a difficult early recovery phase with poor oral intake, dehydration, difficult or painful swallowing, postoperative bleeding, infection and/or otalgia.


Assessing emotion beliefs with the Polish version of the Emotion Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ): psychometric properties, norms, and links with emotional reactivity and psychopathology

Originally developed in English, the Emotion Beliefs Questionnaire (EBQ) is a self-report measure of beliefs about the controllability and usefulness of negative and positive emotions. In this study, we introduce the Polish version and examine its psychometric properties and links with emotional outcomes. Our sample was 914 Polish adults aged 18–70 from the general population. 


The longitudinal microbial and metabolic landscape of infant cystic fibrosis: the gut-lung axis

In cystic fibrosis, gastrointestinal dysfunction and lower airway infection occur early and are independently associated with poorer outcomes in childhood. This study aimed to define the relationship between the microbiota at each niche during the first 2 years of life, its association with growth and airway inflammation, and explanatory features in the metabolome. 


Burden of illness in Rett syndrome: initial evaluation of a disorder-specific caregiver survey

Rett syndrome (RTT) is a severe X-linked neurodevelopmental disorder associated with multiple neurologic impairments. Previous studies have shown challenges to the quality of life of individuals with RTT and their caregivers. However, instruments applied to quantify disease burden have not adequately captured the impact of these impairments on affected individuals and their families. Consequently, an international collaboration of stakeholders aimed at evaluating Burden of Illness in RTT was organized.


Mode of delivery and behavioral and neuropsychological outcomes in children at 10 years of age

Previous studies have reported that mode of delivery, particularly cesarean delivery is associated with neurodevelopmental outcomes in children. This study evaluates behavioral and neuropsychological test scores in children based on mode of delivery.


Challenges and considerations for antifungal prophylaxis in children with acute myeloid leukemia

Children receiving treatment for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) are at high risk of invasive fungal disease (IFD). Evidence from pediatric studies support the efficacy of antifungal prophylaxis in reducing the burden of IFD in children receiving therapy for AML, yet existing antifungal agents have specific limitations and comparative data to inform the optimal prophylactic approach are lacking.


Erratum: Attitudes, perceptions, and experiences of Western Australians towards vaccine safety surveillance systems following COVID-19 vaccines: A qualitative descriptive study (Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health (2024) 48(1), (S132602002

Concerns regarding adverse events following immunisation are a barrier to vaccine uptake. Health professionals use vaccine safety surveillance systems (VSSS) to monitor vaccines and inform the public of safety data. With little known about public attitudes, perceptions, and experiences with VSSS, we examined them in the context of COVID-19 vaccinations in Western Australia.


Per Os to Protection – Targeting the Oral Route to Enhance Immune-mediated Protection from Disease of the Human Newborn

Valerie Verhasselt MD, PhD Head, Immunology and Breastfeeding 0402997617 Head, Immunology and Breastfeeding @


“I Don’t Get to Play With My Mum Anymore”: Experiences of Siblings Aged 8–12 of Children With Cancer: A Qualitative Study

Siblings of children with cancer have been shown to experience disruption in multiple domains including family, school, and friendships. Existing literature on siblings' experiences focuses on older children or on a broad range of ages.


Population-level 5-year event-free survival for children with cancer in Australia

Event-free survival considers other adverse events in addition to mortality. It therefore provides a more complete understanding of the effectiveness and consequences of treatment than standard survival measures, but is rarely reported at the population level for childhood cancer.