Examining relationships between vitamin D over the first decade of life and development of asthma and allergyThis study shows for the first time the importance of considering vitamin D levels over a prolonged period during childhood, rather than at just one or two ages
Developmental-associated dysregulation of innate anti-microbial immunity in early life as a determinant of susceptibility to atopic asthmaOne of the strongest risk factors for asthma is having chest infections during infancy that are so severe that they trigger symptoms of fever & wheeze
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NHMRC funding awarded to support child health researchThe Kids Research Institute Australia researchers have been awarded more than $10 million in research funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
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Switch on the immune system earlyFindings by Professor Pat Holt revealed researchers had been heading down the wrong path in their battle strategy against respiratory allergy and asthma.
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Overseas trip will help unlock the asthma puzzleOne in ten Australians have asthma and Dr Kimberley Wang from The Kids Research Institute Australia is on a mission to find out what causes it.
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Volunteers needed for world-first trial to prevent asthmaAustralian scientists have today launched a world first research trial into a treatment that could prevent asthma in high risk children.
The Children's Lung Health Team investigates lung growth and development through infancy, childhood, adolescence and early adulthood, in health and in chronic lung disease, and the impact of preterm birth on lung health outcomes.
Respiratory infection- and asthma-prone, low vaccine responder children demonstrate distinct mononuclear cell DNA methylation pathwaysnfants with frequent viral and bacterial respiratory infections exhibit compromised immunity to routine immunizations. They are also more likely to develop chronic respiratory diseases in later childhood. This study investigated the feasibility of epigenetic profiling to reveal endotype-specific molecular pathways with potential for early identification and immuno-modulation.
Global change, climate change, and asthma in children: Direct and indirect effects - A WAO Pediatric Asthma Committee ReportThe twenty-first century has seen a fundamental shift in disease epidemiology with anthropogenic environmental change emerging as the likely dominant factor affecting the distribution and severity of current and future human disease. This is especially true of allergic diseases and asthma with their intimate relationship with the natural environment.
Impaired interferon response in plasmacytoid dendritic cells from children with persistent wheezeImpaired interferon response and allergic sensitization may contribute to virus-induced wheeze and asthma development in young children. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells play a key role in antiviral immunity as critical producers of type I interferons.