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What risk does underlying trimethoprim resistance pose for the development of cotrimoxazole-resistant skin infections

Tim Barnett PhD Head, Strep A Pathogenesis and Diagnostics Head, Strep A Pathogenesis and Diagnostics Tim has worked


Professor Jonathan Carapetis AM

Institute Director; Head, Strep A Translation; Co-Founder of REACH


A pilot study to develop assessment tools for Group A Streptococcus surveillance studies

Group A Streptococcus (GAS) causes pharyngitis (sore throat) and impetigo (skin sores) GAS pharyngitis triggers rheumatic fever (RF) with epidemiological evidence supporting that GAS impetigo may also trigger RF in Australian Aboriginal children. Understanding the concurrent burden of these superficial GAS infections is critical to RF prevention. This pilot study aimed to trial tools for concurrent surveillance of sore throats and skins sore for contemporary studies of RF pathogenesis including development of a sore throat checklist for Aboriginal families and pharynx photography.


The Australian guideline for prevention, diagnosis and management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) occur at very high rates among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.


Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease: Incidence and progression in the Northern Territory of Australia 1997 -2010

The reduction in ARF recurrence indicates that the RHD control program has improved secondary prophylaxis; a decline in RHD incidence is expected to follow.


Comparison of group A streptococcal titres in healthy children and those with pharyngitis and skin infections

Rates of acute rheumatic fever, a sequelae of group A Streptococcal (GAS) infection, remain unacceptably high in Indigenous Māori and Pacific children in New Zealand. This prospective study aimed to describe GAS antibody titres in healthy children (5–14 years) by ethnicity, and to determine how paired titres vary with GAS culture positive and negative pharyngitis, and GAS skin infections.


Prevention of bacterial complications of scabies using mass drug administration: A population-based, before-after trial in Fiji, 2018–2020

Scabies is an important predisposing factor of impetigo which can lead to serious bacterial complications. Ivermectin-based mass drug administration can substantially reduce scabies and impetigo prevalence in endemic settings, but the impact on serious bacterial complications is not known.


Protocol for the systematic review of the epidemiology of superficial Streptococcal A infections (skin and throat) in Australia

We have produced a protocol for the comprehensive systematic review of the current literature around superficial group A Streptococcal infections in Australia.


RE-AIM evaluation of a teacher-delivered programme to improve the self-regulation of children attending Australian Aboriginal community primary schools

Benefits in teaching the Alert Program® to students in a region with high reported rates of foetal alcohol spectrum disorder and self-regulation impairment