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Influenza vaccination among pregnant women in two hospitals in Sydney, NSW: what we can learn from women who decline vaccination

Pregnant women are recognised as being at risk of serious illness from influenza. Despite this, and longstanding national recommendations for vaccination in pregnancy, vaccine uptake remains suboptimal. This study aims to determine factors associated with women declining influenza vaccination in pregnancy.


Parainfluenza Virus Infection in an Australian Community-based Birth Cohort

In a community-based birth cohort of 158 Australian infants followed to age 2 years, the incidence rate of human parainfluenza virus (HPIV) was 0.42 (95% CI = 0.33, 0.54) episodes per child-year with episodes occurring year-round, peaking in the spring season.


Intraseason decline in influenza vaccine effectiveness during the 2016 southern hemisphere influenza season: A test-negative design study and phylogenetic assessment

Overall, the 2016 influenza vaccine showed good protection against laboratory-confirmed infection among general practice patients


Impact of influenza on hospitalization rates in children with a range of chronic lung diseases

This large population-based study suggests a significant healthcare burden associated with influenza in children with a range of chronic lung diseases


Influenza vaccine effectiveness and uptake in children at risk of severe disease

Participation in the preschool influenza vaccination program remains low with parents unconvinced of the benefits and safety of influenza vaccine


Effectiveness of trivalent flu vaccine in healthy young children

This paper reports some of the findings from the Western Australian Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness Study, commenced in 2008, to evaluate a program providing...


Lessons from the first year of the WAIVE study investigating the protective effect of influenza vaccine

Influenza is major cause of paediatric hospitalisation. Influenza vaccine was offered to all children aged 6-59 months resident in Western Australia in 2008


Comparison of a rapid antigen test with nucleic acid testing during cocirculation of pandemic influenza A/H1N1 09 and Seasonal influena A/H3N2

The rapid diagnosis of influenza is critical in optimizing clinical management. Rapid antigen tests have decreased sensitivity in detecting pandemic influenza.


Influenza hospitalizations in Australian children 2010–2019: The impact of medical comorbidities on outcomes, vaccine coverage, and effectiveness

Children with comorbidities are at greater risk of severe influenza outcomes compared with healthy children. In Australia, influenza vaccination was funded for those with comorbidities from 2010 and all children aged <5 years from 2018. Influenza vaccine coverage remains inadequate in children with and without comorbidities.