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Late language emergence at 24 months: an epidemiological study of prevalence, predictors, and covariates

The primary objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence of late language emergence (LLE) and to investigate the predictive status of maternal...


Adult psychosocial outcomes of children with specific language impairment, pragmatic language impairment and autism

Evidence that some children also develop autistic symptomatology over time has raised suggestions that developmental language disorder...


Communication of individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder as observed by caregivers: A descriptive qualitative study

CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) is a genetically caused developmental epileptic encephalopathy that causes severe communication impairments. Communication of individuals with CDD is not well understood in the literature and currently available measures are not well validated in this population. Accurate and sensitive measurement of the communication of individuals with CDD is important for understanding this condition, clinical practice, and upcoming interventional trials. 


Language and reading impairments are associated with increased prevalence of non-right-handedness

Handedness has been studied for association with language-related disorders because of its link with language hemispheric dominance. No clear pattern has emerged, possibly because of small samples, publication bias, and heterogeneous criteria across studies.


Associations between clusters of early life risk factors and developmental vulnerability at age 5

This study investigated the associations between clusters of early life risk factors and developmental vulnerability in children's first year of full-time school at age 5

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Landmark language study draws to a close - but the work is just beginning

A joint initiative between The Kids Research Institute Australia, The University of Western Australia, the University of Kansas and Nebraska University, it is the world’s only study to conduct such a detailed assessment of language and literacy development from infancy through the formative adolescent years.

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Looking at language

Hearing your child’s first word is a precious moment for any parent but while most children begin to talk within 12 to 24 months of age, some take much longer.

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Kids with ADHD struggling at school

A study by The Kids Research Institute Australia has found children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) have significantly worse school outcomes.

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New research links poor language to lack of Vitamin D in womb

New research has found that children of mums who had low levels of Vitamin D during pregnancy are twice as likely to have language difficulties.

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How mums talk influences children’s perspective-taking ability

New research shows that kids whose mums talk more frequently about others' thoughts tend to be better at taking another's perspective than other children.