A Small Device May Deliver King-Sized Solutions for Patients With an Exacerbation of Cystic FibrosisThe aim is to examine whether using a portable spring-infusor device to deliver antibiotics compared with a standard infusion pump (SIP) translated to (i) improve health outcomes, (ii) reduce the length of stay (LoS), and (iii) reduce cost for treatment of exacerbations of cystic fibrosis.
Implementation of a strategy to facilitate effective medical follow-up for Australian First Nations children hospitalised with lower respiratory tract infections: study protocolFirst Nations children hospitalised with acute lower respiratory infections (ALRIs) are at increased risk of future bronchiectasis (up to 15-19%) within 24-months post-hospitalisation. An identified predictive factor is persistent wet cough a month after hospitalisation and this is likely related to protracted bacterial bronchitis which can progress to bronchiectasis, if untreated.
Increased nasal Streptococcus pneumoniae presence in Western environment associated with allergic conditions in Chinese immigrantsChinese immigrants living in Australia experience increased allergic conditions: asthma, eczema, hay fever and wheeze. Recently we reported diminished innate cytokine responses in long-term immigrants, potentially increasing their pathogenic viral load and microbial carriage. We hypothesise that a Western environment changes the nasal microbiome profile, and this altered profile may be associated with the development of allergic conditions. In this cross-sectional study, we aimed to examine the loading of viral and microbial respiratory pathogens in the upper airway.
Acute haemoptysis, fever and abdominal pain in an adolescent from northern AustraliaChristopher Asha André Dr Anita Blyth Bowen Schultz Campbell MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM MBChB, PhD, FRACP
Defining Age-specific Relationships of Respiratory Syncytial Virus and Rhinovirus Species in Hospitalized Children With Acute WheezeAcute wheezing is one of the most common hospital presentations for young children. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and rhinovirus (RV) species A, B and the more recently described species C are implicated in the majority of these presentations. However, the relative importance and age-specificities of these viruses have not been defined.
Primary Nasal Epithelial Cells as a Surrogate Cell Culture Model for Type-II Alveolar Cells to Study ABCA-3 DeficiencyATP Binding Cassette Subfamily A Member 3 (ABCA-3) is a lipid transporter protein highly expressed in type-II alveolar (AT-II) cells. Mutations in ABCA3 can result in severe respiratory disease in infants and children. To study ABCA-3 deficiency in vitro, primary AT-II cells would be the cell culture of choice although sample accessibility is limited. Our aim was to investigate the suitability of primary nasal epithelial cells, as a surrogate culture model for AT-II cells, to study ABCA-3 deficiency.
Improving screening in a paediatric cohort for cystic fibrosis-related diabetes: A quality improvement projectAndré Schultz MBChB, PhD, FRACP Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA Prof André Schultz is the Program Head of
Adaption and implementation of Aboriginal child lung health tools for northern Western AustraliaAndré Schultz MBChB, PhD, FRACP Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA Program Head, Respiratory Health RFA Prof André Schultz is the Program Head of
Improving lung health of Aboriginal children hospitalised with chest infections – Aboriginal Children’s Excellent (ACE) Lung Health StudyThe ACE project is led by Dr Pamela Laird and aims to improve post-hospitalisation follow-up of Indigenous children hospitalised with acute lower respiratory tract infections.
Host-dependent resistance of Group A Streptococcus to sulfamethoxazole mediated by a horizontally-acquired reduced folate transporterDescribed antimicrobial resistance mechanisms enable bacteria to avoid the direct effects of antibiotics and can be monitored by in vitro susceptibility testing and genetic methods. Here we describe a mechanism of sulfamethoxazole resistance that requires a host metabolite for activity.