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WA children with most aggressive cancers to benefit from Australian-first personalised medicine clinical trial

Personalised medicine for childhood cancers in West Australia is a step closer thanks to the Zero Childhood Cancer program’s state clinical trial launched today

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Kids cancer champion nominated for WA Australian of the Year

Dr Nick Gottardo, Co-Head of The Kids Research Institute Australia's Brain Tumour Research Team, has been announced a nominee for the 2018 WA Australian of the Year Award

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New childhood brain tumour drugs to be tested

It is the kids he treats in his role as a paediatric oncologist that motivate Dr Nick Gottardo in his work as a The Kids Research Institute Australia cancer researcher.

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Research sheds new light on childhood Leukaemia treatment

A The Kids study examining drug resistance in leukaemia patients has shed new light on why some treatments may be more effective than others.

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Funding boost for childhood cancer research projects

Projects to improve outcomes for leukaemia patients and reduce skin cancer rates in young Aboriginal people have received funding through Cancer Council WA.

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Immunotherapy drug dramatically improves survival for babies with rare leukaemia

A pilot clinical study, led in Australia by a The Kids Research Institute Australia and Perth Children's Hospital researcher, has found an immunotherapy drug can dramatically increase survival rates for babies with a rare form of leukaemia, paving the way for a major international clinical trial.

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Homeward bound: The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher taking on scientific leadership challenge

The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher, Dr Anya Jones, will join some of the world’s brightest female scientists after being selected to take part in a global project to amplify the voices of women in science leadership.

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Child health research set to benefit from national grants

Researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia have been awarded $4.6 million in national funding from the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) to help support child health research.


Lessons learnt from influenza vaccination in immunocompromised children undergoing treatment for cancer

Influenza infection contributes substantially to global morbidity and mortality, with children undergoing treatment for cancer among the most vulnerable due to immunosuppression associated with disease and treatment. However, influenza remains one of the most common vaccine-preventable diseases.


Australian and New Zealand consensus guideline for paediatric newly diagnosed immune thrombocytopaenia endorsed by Australian New Zealand Children's Haematology and Oncology Group

In children, the majority of cases are self-limiting and thus many paediatric patients can be managed conservatively with minimal complications. This varies considerably compared to adult newly diagnosed immune thrombocytopaenia (NDITP) where, in most cases, thrombocytopaenia persists with higher risk of moderate to severe bleeding complications.