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Renal and Cardiovascular Risk According to Tertiles of Urinary Albumin-to-Creatinine Ratio: The Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes Cardio-Renal Intervention Trial (AdDIT)

Urinary albumin-to-creatinine ratios at the higher end of the normal range at the age of 10-16 years is associated with an increased risk of progression to microalbuminuria


Structure-function relationships of the neisserial EptA enzyme responsible for phosphoethanolamine decoration of lipid A: Rationale for drug targeting

This review concentrates on the phosphoethanolamine decoration of lipid A in the pathogenic species of the genus Neisseria


Airway function in infancy is linked to airflow measurements and respiratory symptoms from childhood into adulthood

Lung airflow measurements track from birth into early adulthood, suggesting a permanent and stable airway framework is laid down in the antenatal period


Reducing harms related to alcohol use in pregnancy – policy and practice recommendations

This issues brief outlines opportunities for change to support reduction of harms related to alcohol use in pregnancy


Risk of Developmental Disorders in Children of Immigrant Mothers: A Population-Based Data Linkage Evaluation

Increased risk of autism spectrum disorder with intellectual disability and cerebral palsy with intellectual disability for mothers of some foreign-born groups


Bacillus licheniformis in geogenic dust induces inflammation in respiratory epithelium

We have previously demonstrated that mice exposed to geogenic dust PM10 experienced an exacerbation of inflammatory responses to influenza A virus.


Transcriptional landscape of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in macrophages

A comprehensive in depth gene expression/regulation profile in Mycobacterium tuberculosis-infected macrophages


Antibiotics versus topical antiseptics for chronic suppurative otitis media

To assess the effectiveness of antibiotics versus antiseptics for people with chronic suppurative otitis media.


Study protocol for a self-controlled cluster randomised trial of the Alert Program to improve self-regulation and executive function in Australian Aboriginal children

This trial is evaluating the effectiveness of an Alert Program school curriculum for improving self-regulation and executive function in children living in remote Australian Aboriginal communities


The Adolescent Cardio-Renal Intervention Trial (AdDIT): retinal vascular geometry and renal function in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

We examined the hypothesis that elevation in urinary (ACR) in adolescents with type 1 diabetes is associated with RVG phenotypes.