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Development of molecular tools for accurate diagnosis and disease surveillance (including vaccine impact)

Janessa Lea-Ann Peter Ruth Pickering Kirkham Richmond Thornton BSc PhD PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP PhD Senior Research Fellow (currently HOT NORTH Early


Ear Portal: An ENT and Audiology referral portal for improving access to ear health services for children using telehealth

Chris Deborah Peter Tanisha Greta Karina Brennan-Jones Lehmann Richmond Cayley Bernabei Tao PhD AO, MBBS, MSc MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP BBiomed (Hons) BSc


Empowering school communities to Support Student Mental health and Wellbeing: Development and Testing of the Online Assessment, Support and Implementation System (OASIS)

Natasha Pete Asha Kevin Pearce Gething Bowen Runions PhD (Public Health), PostGrad Dip (Health Promotion), BApp Sc BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS


END RHD Community Project - Kimberley (Rheumatic Fever Strategy)

Dylan John Jonathan Rosemary Barth Jacky Carapetis AM Wyber B.Tech, MPH, PhD AM MBBS FRACP FAFPHM PhD FAHMS MBChB MPH FRACGP PhD Honorary Research


Endemic country capacity building and decentralization

Adam Punam Susan Tolu Saddler Amratia Rumisha Okitika PhD PhD PhD (Biostatistics) BSc, MPH, PMP Research Officer Honorary Research Associate


Exploring the associations between coping, resilience, well-being and glycaemic control in adolescents with type 1 diabetes and their parents

Keely Leanne Bebbington Fried MClinPsych/PhD BSc DipEd MSpEd EdD McCusker Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Type 1 Diabetes Senior Research Fellow 08


Geospatial modelling for malaria risk stratification and intervention targeting for high burden high impact countries

Ewan Punam Susan Tasmin Cameron Amratia Rumisha Symons BSc PhD PhD PhD (Biostatistics) Director of Malaria Risk Stratification Honorary Research


Healthway Kimberly Compassion

In this project, we aim to understand how mindfulness, compassion, and related constructs are experienced by Aboriginal people in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.


Honey as a potential topical treatment for skin infections: a literature review

Asha Glenn Marianne Bowen Pearson Mullane BA MBBS DCH FRACP PhD GAICD FAHMS OAM BA (Education) PhD Candidate BSc (OT) Head, Healthy Skin and ARF


How healthy (or unhealthy) is the food environment around Perth schools?

This unique and innovative project will be the first to quantify the local food environment around all government and non-government Perth metropolitan primary and secondary schools.