Not just "A walking the dog": Dog walking and pet play and their association with recommended physical activity among adolescentsTo examine the role of pet play and dog walking in children's and adolescents' leisure time, and the relationship between these activities and physical activity
How low can we go? Recognizing infants at high risk of cerebral palsy earlierThis paper is a timely reminder that we must recognise infants at high risk of cerebral palsy earlier using evidence-based assessments.
Impact of prenatal screening and diagnostic testing on trends in Down syndrome births and terminations in Western Australia 1980 to 2013To assess how prenatal screening and diagnostic testing have impacted the diagnosis, termination and birth prevalence of Down syndrome in Western Australia...
Lessons from 50 years of curing childhood leukaemiaOne of the great success stories of modern medicine is undoubtedly the remarkable improvement in outcome for childhood cancer, achieved through the work of...
Prenatal factors in singletons with cerebral palsy born at or near termThis article discusses the prenatal factors in singletons with cerebral palsy born at or near term.
Optimization is required when using linked hospital and laboratory data to investigate respiratory infectionsDespite a recommendation for microbiological testing, only 45% of children hospitalized for respiratory infections in our previous data linkage study linked...
Birthweight and childhood cancer: Preliminary findings from the international childhood cancer cohort consortium (I4C)Background Evidence relating childhood cancer to high birthweight is derived primarily from registry and case-control studies.
A prospective ultrasound study of prenatal growth in infant siblings of children with autismNumerous studies have observed that a proportion of infants later diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) experience accelerated head growth...
Social environmental risk factors for transition to psychosis in an Ultra-High Risk population.Despite social environmental factors such as deprivation, urbanicity, migration and adversity being established risk factors for psychotic disorders...
Addressing the relationship between racism and inequality in suicide...In 2009 over 40 leading researchers and academics from across Australia signed the Boatshed Racism Roundtable Declaration that proposed four areas of action...