Human infant memory B cell and CD4+ T cell responses to HibMenCY-TT glyco- conjugate vaccineCarrier-specific T cell and polysaccharide-specific B cell memory responses are not well characterised in infants following glyco-conjugate vaccination.
A prospective cohort study comparing the reactogenicity of trivalent influenza vaccine in pregnant and non-pregnant women.Influenza vaccination during pregnancy can prevent serious illness in expectant mothers and provide protection to newborns...
Der p 11 is a major allergen for house dust mite-allergic patients suffering from atopic dermatitisHouse dust mites (HDMs) belong to the most potent indoor allergen sources worldwide and are associated with allergic manifestations in the respiratory tract.
Psychosocial moderators of associations between life events and changes in physical activity after leaving high schoolThis study examines the associations between life events & changes in leisure-time physical activity after leaving high school in young people from rural...
Shining the Light on Sunshine: A systematic review of the influence of sun exposure on type 2 diabetes mellitus-related outcomesThis review highlights significant gaps in research pertaining to sun exposure and type 2 diabetes mellitus related outcomes
DataSHIELD: taking the analysis to the data, not the data to the analysisDataSHIELD provides a novel technological solution that can facilitate the access of researchers and other healthcare professionals to individual-level data
Rett syndrome: establishing a novel outcome measure for walking activity in an era of clinical trials for rare disordersThis study investigated the capacity of three accelerometer-type devices to measure walking activity in Rett syndrome
Adolescent Type 1 Diabetes Cardio-Renal Intervention Trial (AdDIT): Urinary screening and baseline biochemical and cardiovascular assessmentsIn adolescents with type 1 diabetes, the group with the highest tertile of albumin excretion showed more evidence of early renal and CV disease
Midwives' knowledge, attitudes and practice about alcohol exposure and the risk of fetal alcohol spectrum disorderThere is a need for further professional development for midwives on screening and brief intervention regarding alcohol consumption during pregnancy and FASD
Maternal supplementation with folic acid and other vitamins and risk of leukemia in offspring: a childhood leukemia international consortium studyOur results suggest that maternal prenatal use of vitamins and folic acid reduces the risk of both ALL and AML