Preventing over half of the world’s ear infections with a therapy such as Spritz-OM will significantly improve health and educational outcomes on a global scale.
Editorial: Vaccines and immunization services during the pandemic era and beyondCitation: Amponsah-Dacosta E, Fulurija A, Afum-Adjei Awuah A, Mathema S, Wariri O. Editorial: Vaccines and immunization services during the pandemic
Walking the walk to include pregnant participants in non-obstetric clinical trials: Insights from the SNAP TrialDespite several calls for greater inclusion of pregnant people in non-obstetric clinical trials, their systematic exclusion remains common practice. Excluding pregnant individuals from clinical trials may result in unintended consequences such as inadequate treatment of medical conditions in pregnancy, inappropriate dosing of medications, and investigational therapies being used off-label outside of the context of a clinical trial, risking adverse events in the absence of demonstrated efficacy.
Association between maternal influenza vaccination and neurodevelopmental disorders in childhood: a longitudinal, population-based linked cohort studyTo assess the association between in utero exposure to seasonal inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV) and the risk of a diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental disorder in early childhood.
Impact of COVID-19 on mental health in Bhutan: a way forward for actionThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to impact mental health and wellbeing globally. There is a lack of scientific documentation highlighting the mental health impact of COVID-19 in Bhutan. We present the mental health burdens and control measures taken, and suggest ways to further strengthen mental health services in Bhutan.
A Systematic Framework for Prioritizing Burden of Disease Data Required for Vaccine Development and Implementation: The Case for Group A Streptococcal DiseasesVaccine development and implementation decisions need to be guided by accurate and robust burden of disease data. We developed an innovative systematic framework outlining the properties of such data that are needed to advance vaccine development and evaluation, and prioritize research and surveillance activities.
The safety of co-administration of Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) and influenza vaccinesWith the emergence of novel vaccines and new applications for older vaccines, co-administration is increasingly likely. The immunomodulatory effects of BCG could theoretically alter the reactogenicity of co-administered vaccines. Using active surveillance in a randomised controlled trial, we aimed to determine whether co-administration of BCG vaccination changes the safety profile of influenza vaccination.
A phase 3, multicenter, randomized, double-blind study to evaluate the interchangeability of V114, a 15-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine, and PCV13 with respect to safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity in healthy infants (PNEU-DIRECTION)Pneumococcal disease (PD) remains a major health concern globally. In children, pneumococcal conjugate vaccines (PCVs) provide protection against PD from most vaccine serotypes, but non-vaccine serotypes contribute to residual disease. V114 is a 15-valent PCV containing all 13 serotypes in Prevnar 13™ and public health important serotypes 22F and 33F. This phase 3 study evaluated safety and immunogenicity of mixed PCV13/V114 regimens using a 3 + 1 dosing schedule when changing from PCV13 to V114 at doses 2, 3, or 4.
Prevalence of respiratory viruses in community-acquired pneumonia in children: a systematic review and meta-analysisRespiratory viruses are increasingly detected in children with community-acquired pneumonia but prevalence estimates vary substantially. We aimed to systematically review and pool estimates for 22 viruses commonly associated with community-acquired pneumonia.
The Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform Trial Protocol: New Tools for an Old FoeStaphylococcus aureus bloodstream (SAB) infection is a common and severe infectious disease, with a 90-day mortality of 15%-30%. Despite this, <3000 people have been randomized into clinical trials of treatments for SAB infection.