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Structured review of primary interventions to reduce group A streptococcal infections, acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a large, preventable, global public health burden. In New Zealand (NZ), acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and RHD rates are highest for Māori and Pacific children. This structured review explores the evidence for primary prevention interventions to diagnose and effectively treat group A Streptococcus (GAS) pharyngitis and skin infections to reduce rates of ARF and RHD.


The economic and health burdens of diseases caused by group A Streptococcus in New Zealand

In preparation for the future arrival of a group A Streptococcus (GAS) vaccine, this study estimated the economic and health burdens of GAS diseases in New Zealand. The annual incidence of GAS diseases was based on extrapolation of the average number of primary healthcare episodes managed each year in general practices (2014-2016) and on the average number of hospitalizations occurring each year (2005-2014). Disease incidence was multiplied by the average cost of diagnosing and managing an episode of disease at each level of care to estimate the annual economic burden.


Nitazoxanide for the treatment of infectious diarrhoea in the Northern Territory, Australia 2007-2012

This paper examines the use of a new antibiotic to treat diarrhoea cause by Cryptosporidium infection in Australian Indigenous children.


Position statement of the World Heart Federation on the prevention and control of rheumatic heart disease

In the 21st century, rheumatic fever (RF) and rheumatic heart disease (RHD) are neglected diseases of marginalized communities.


Management of invasive group A streptococcal infections

Invasive group A streptococcal disease in children includes deep soft tissue infection, bacteraemia, bacteraemic pneumonia, meningitis and osteomyelitis


Echocardiographic screening for rheumatic heart disease in high and low risk Australian children

We aimed to establish the prevalence of RHD in high-risk Indigenous Australian children using these criteria and to compare the findings with a group of...


Echocardiographic screening in a resource poor setting: Borderline rheumatic heart disease could be a normal variant

Cross-sectional observational study across ten primary schools in Fiji in school children aged 5-14 years.


Formal infectious diseases consultations at a tertiary pediatric hospital: A 14-year review

We analyzed the formal consultations seen by the infectious diseases service over a 14-year period at one of the largest pediatric hospitals in Australia.


Extensive Diversity of Streptococcus pyogenes in a Remote Human Population Reflects Global-Scale Transmission Rather than Localised Diversification

The Indigenous population of the Northern Territory of Australia (NT) suffers from a very high burden of Streptococcus pyogenes disease, including cardiac...


Screening for rheumatic heart disease: current approaches and controversies

In endemic areas, RHD has long been a target of screening programmes that, historically, have relied on cardiac auscultation.