Forest cover and climate as potential drivers for dengue fever in Sumatra and Kalimantan 2006–2016: a spatiotemporal analysisDengue fever in Sumatra and Kalimantan was highly seasonal and associated with climate factors and deforestation
Online self-compassion training to improve the wellbeing of youth with chronic medical conditions: Protocol for a randomised control trialThe Self-Compassion Online program could provide a scalable solution for improving psychological outcomes and quality of life among youth with chronic illness
Raising strong, solid Koolunga: Values and beliefs about early child development among Perth's Aboriginal communityWe detail the unique findings from an Aboriginal early child development research project with a specific focus on the Nyoongar/Aboriginal community of Perth
MK2 inhibition induces p53-dependent senescence in glioblastoma cellsIn response to DNA damaging chemotherapy, targeting MK2 in p53-mutated cells produces a phenotype that is distinct from the p53-deficient phenotype
Maternal HIV infection alters antimicrobial immunity in exposed and uninfected infantsImplementation of lifelong ART of all HIV-infected women has the potential to improve maternal determinants of protective immunity in the young infant
Priorities for improved management of acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart diseaseThe results suggest that timely injection and patient education are priorities for managing ARF and RHD, particularly focusing on child-to-adult transition care
Facilitators and barriers to the implementation of motivational interviewing for bullying perpetration in school settingsResults indicated a number factors which influenced the uptake of Motivational Interviewing in schools
Psychosocial disadvantage and residential remoteness is associated with Aboriginal women's mental health prior to childbirthOptimal mental health in the pre-conception, pregnancy and postpartum periods is important for both maternal and infant wellbeing. Few studies, however, have focused on Indigenous women and the specific risk and protective factors that may prompt vulnerability to perinatal mental disorders in this culturally diverse population.
Qualitative study of psychosocial factors impacting on Aboriginal women's management of chronic diseaseThe caring roles and responsibilities Aboriginal women have in their community impact on their health
Child and adolescent psychiatry training in Australia and New ZealandThis article highlights the requirements of the training programs for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in Australia and New Zealand