Lessons learned in the development of sustained release penicillin drug delivery systems for the prophylactic treatment of rheumatic heart disease (RHD)The current prophylactic treatment to prevent rheumatic heart disease requires four-weekly intramuscular injection of a suspension of the poorly soluble benzathine salt form of penicillin G (BPG) often for more than 10 years. In seeking to reduce the frequency of administration to improve adherence, biodegradable polymer matrices have been investigated.
Transplacental immune modulation with a bacterial-derived agent protects against allergic airway inflammationThese data provide proof of concept supporting the rationale for developing transplacental immune reprogramming approaches for primary disease prevention
Choice making in Rett syndrome: a descriptive study using video dataWe describe the choice-making abilities of girls and women with Rett syndrome.
How ‘healthy’ do children really need to be? Going beyond the limitsThe authors assessed the impact of including preschool‐aged children with a history of preterm birth, early life wheeze, asthma diagnoses and/or recent respiratory symptoms in healthy reference ranges for respiratory impedance using the forced oscillation technique (FOT).
Educational inequality across three generations in AustraliaUsing a dataset of Australian children, we have the opportunity to not only investigate the transfer of educational resources across 3 generations in Australia.
T-cell responses against rhinovirus species A and C in asthmatic and healthy childrenInfections by RV species A and C are the most common causes of exacerbations of asthma and a major cause of exacerbations of other respiratory disease.
Adolescents' Perspectives on a Mobile App for Relationships: Cross-Sectional SurveyAdolescents were likely to use a mobile phone app for relationship support, and use was not influenced by background characteristics
Identification of health risk behaviours among adolescent refugees resettling in Western AustraliaWe aim to identify health risk behaviours among adolescent refugees resettling in WA and assess the feasibility of using a standardised questionnaire.
Assessing motor skills to inform a fetal alcohol spectrum disorder diagnosis focusing on persons older than 12 years: a systematic review of the literatureA systematic review of current evidence using various electronic databases was conducted. Studies were appraised using a recognised clinical appraisal tool.
Clinical acceptability of the sense_assess© kids: Children and youth perspectivesThis study has demonstrated the acceptability of sense_assess© kids for the population for whom it is intended