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Defining relevant hypoglycemia measures in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes

As the choices of therapies in diabetes care multiply, it is essential to standardize the approach to measuring and recording hypoglycemia risk


Distinct gut virome profile of pregnant women with type 1 diabetes in the ENDIA study

These findings provide novel insight into the composition of the gut virome during pregnancy and demonstrate a distinct profile of viruses in women with T1D


Suboptimal bone status for adolescents with low motor competence and developmental coordination disorder—It's sex specific

Australian adolescent boys with low motor competence/Developmental Coordination Disorder had less robust bones compared to their well-coordinated Australian peers


Role of HLA-DQ typing and anti-tissue transglutaminase antibody titers in diagnosing celiac disease without duodenal biopsy in type 1 diabetes

HLA-DQ typing is not cost effective as a first-line screening test for CD in T1D patients because of over-representation of CD permissive HLA alleles in this group


Reduction in hypoglycemia with the predictive low-Glucose management system: A long-term randomized controlled trial in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

Short-term studies with automated systems that suspend insulin when hypoglycemia is predicted have shown a reduction, but safety and efficacy aren't established


Clinical characteristics of Western Australian children diagnosed with type 2 diabetes before 10 years of age

We aimed to describe the characteristics of Western Australian children aged less than 10 years diagnosed with type 2 diabetes between June 2000 and June 2017


Performance of medtronic hybrid closed-loop iterations: Results from a randomized trial in adolescents with type 1 diabetes

This study investigates the performance of an iteration of the Medtronic hybrid closed-loop algorithm


Type 2 Diabetes in Indigenous Australian children

Rates of type 2 diabetes are higher among Indigenous than non-Indigenous Australian children and adolescents.


Maternal smoking during pregnancy and the risk of childhood type 1 diabetes in Western Australia

The aim of this study was to investigate the association between maternal smoking during pregnancy and type 1 diabetes in the offspring, using complete...