The measurement properties of tests and tools used in cystic fibrosis studies: a systematic reviewThere is no consensus on how best to measure responses to interventions among children and adults with cystic fibrosis (CF). We have systematically reviewed and summarised the characteristics and measurement properties of tests and tools that have been used to capture outcomes in studies among people with CF, including their reliability, validity and responsiveness. This review is intended to guide researchers when selecting tests or tools for measuring treatment effects in CF trials. A consensus set of these tests and tools could improve consistency in how outcomes are captured and thereby facilitate comparisons and synthesis of evidence across studies.
Novel method to select meaningful outcomes for evaluation in clinical trialsA standardised framework for selecting outcomes for evaluation in trials has been proposed by the Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trials working group. However, this method does not specify how to ensure that the outcomes that are selected are causally related to the disease and the health intervention being studied. Causal network diagrams may help researchers identify outcomes that are both clinically meaningful and likely to be causally dependent on the intervention, and endpoints that are, in turn, causally dependent on those outcomes.
Prenatal Exposure to General Anesthesia and Childhood Behavioral DeficitExposure to surgery and anesthesia in early childhood has been found to be associated with an increased risk of behavioral deficits. While the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against prenatal exposure to anesthetic drugs, little clinical evidence exists to support this recommendation.
Coronavax: preparing community and government for COVID-19 vaccination: a research protocol for a mixed methods social research projectAhead of the implementation of a COVID-19 vaccination programme, the interdisciplinary Coronavax research team developed a multicomponent mixed methods project to support successful roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccine in Western Australia. This project seeks to analyse community attitudes about COVID-19 vaccination, vaccine access and information needs. We also study how government incorporates research findings into the vaccination programme.
Acute hyperglycaemia does not have a consistent adverse effect on exercise performance in recreationally active young people with type 1 diabetes: a randomised crossover in-clinic studyIn individuals with type 1 diabetes, chronic hyperglycaemia impairs aerobic fitness. However, the effect of acute marked hyperglycaemia on aerobic fitness is unclear, and the impact of insulin level has not been examined. In this study, we explored if acute hyperglycaemia with higher or low insulin levels affects [Formula: see text] and other exercise performance indicators in individuals with type 1 diabetes.
Less Nocturnal Hypoglycemia but Equivalent Time in Range among Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Using Insulin Pumps Versus Multiple Daily InjectionsThis prerandomization analysis from the Australian HCL-Adult trial (registration number: ACTRN12617000520336) compared masked continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) metrics among adults using insulin pumps versus multiple daily injections (MDIs), who were all self-monitoring blood glucose (SMBG).
Alcohol-related harm in emergency departments: linking to subsequent hospitalizations to quantify under-reporting of presentationsAlcohol-related harm in emergency departments: linking to subsequent hospitalizations to quantify under-reporting of presentations.To quantify the proportion of emergency department (ED) presentations that could be identified as alcohol-related when linking to a patient's subsequent hospitalization, compared with using ED data alone, and to assess that comparison according to the change in alcohol harm rates over time and potential variations within subpopulations.
Formative evaluation of a community-based approach to reduce the incidence of Strep A infections and acute rheumatic feverWe explore the acceptability of a novel, outreached-based approach to improve primary and primordial prevention of Strep A skin sores, sore throats and acute rheumatic fever in remote Aboriginal communities. A comprehensive prevention program delivered by trained Aboriginal Community Workers was evaluated using approximately fortnightly household surveys about health and housing and clinical records.
Lower HbA1c targets are associated with better metabolic controlPrevious studies have suggested that clear HbA1c target setting by the diabetes team is associated with HbA1c outcomes in adolescents. The aim of this study was to evaluate whether this finding is consistent in a larger cohort of children from centers participating in the SWEET international diabetes registry. A questionnaire was sent out to 76 SWEET centers, of which responses from 53 pediatric centers were included (70%). Descriptive outcomes were presented as median with lower and upper quartile.
School-based HPV vaccination positively impacts parents’ attitudes toward adolescent vaccinationThis qualitative study aimed to explore parental attitudes, knowledge and decision-making about HPV vaccination for adolescents in the context of a gender-neutral school-based Australian National Immunisation Program (NIP). Semi-structured interviews with parents of adolescents eligible for HPV vaccination were undertaken as part of an evaluation of a cluster-randomised controlled trial of a complex intervention in 40 schools (2013-2015).