Weekend personal ultraviolet radiation exposure in four cities in Australia: Influence of temperature, humidity and ambient ultraviolet radiationThe effects of meteorological factors on weekend sun exposure behaviours and personal received dose of ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in Australian adults.
Predictors of distress and poorer quality of life in High Grade Glioma patientsTo determine High Grade Glioma patients' levels of distress and quality of life during combined chemoradiotherapy, explore predictors of distress and quality...
Plasma retinol and total carotenes and fracture risk after long-term supplementation with high doses of retinolThe aim of this study was to investigate plasma retinol and total carotene concentrations in relation to fracture risk after long-term supplementation with...
Suicide trends in Western Australia: an urgent call to actionThe Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation project will evaluate the effectiveness of existing suicide prevention services and...
Genome-wide association study of autistic-like traits in a general population study of young adultsResearch has proposed that autistic-like traits in the general population lie on a continuum, with clinical ASD representing the extreme end of this...
Modelling the seasonality of respiratory syncytial virus in young childrenThe transmission dynamics of RSV infection among young children are still poorly understood and mathematical modelling can be used to better understand...
Lung function in African infants: A pilot studyInfant lung function (ILF) testing may provide useful information about lung growth and susceptibility to respiratory disease.
Exposure to household painting and floor treatments, and parental occupational paint exposure and risk of childhood brain tumorsThis study investigated whether household exposure to paints and floor treatments and parental occupational painting were associated with CBT risk...
Prevention of rheumatic fever and heart disease: Nepalese experienceHistorically, many young people suffered severe valvular disease and died awaiting heart valve replacement.
Impact of CD14 promoter variants on measles vaccine responses and vaccine failure in children from Australia and MozambiqueHost genetics are likely to play a crucial role, particularly variants that alter key innate immune response genes.