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Implications of providing wrist-hand orthoses for children with cerebral palsy: evidence from a randomised controlled trial

To investigate the effects of providing rigid wrist-hand orthoses plus usual multidisciplinary care, on reducing hand impairments in children with cerebral palsy.


Medical Comorbidities in MECP2 Duplication Syndrome: Results from the International MECP2 Duplication Database

Since the discovery of MECP2 duplication syndrome (MDS) in 1999, efforts to characterise this disorder have been limited by a lack of large datasets, with small case series often favouring the reporting of certain conditions over others. This study is the largest to date, featuring 134 males and 20 females, ascertained from the international MECP2 Duplication Database (MDBase).


Gastrostomy feeding in children with severe cerebral palsy in Western Australia

Citation: Marpole R, Langdon K, Wilson A. Gastrostomy feeding in children with severe cerebral palsy in Western Australia. Acta Paediatr Int J


Strengths and challenging behaviors in children and adolescents with Prader-Willi syndrome: Two sides to the coin

Prader-Willi Syndrome (PWS) is a rare genetic disorder associated with emotional/behavioral disturbances. These difficulties are well documented in the literature, but the positive attributes of these individuals are not described.


People with Cerebral Palsy and Their Family's Preferences about Genomics Research

The goal of this study was to understand individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) and their family's attitudes and preferences to genomic research, including international data sharing and biobanking.


Can RESPiratory hospital Admissions in children with cerebral palsy be reduced? A feasibility randomised Controlled Trial pilot study protocol (RESP-ACT)

The most common cause of morbidity and mortality in children with severe cerebral palsy (CP) is respiratory disease. BREATHE-CP (Better REspiratory and Airway Treatment and HEalth in Cerebral Palsy) is a multidisciplinary research team who have conducted research on the risk factors associated with CP respiratory disease, a systematic review on management and a Delphi study on the development of a consensus for the prevention and management of respiratory disease in CP.

News & Events

Perth researchers unlocking mystery of rare seizure disease

Researchers at The Kids Research Institute Australia are one step closer to finding better treatments for a rare disease causing children to have multiple seizures a day.

News & Events

Folate researcher awarded for work to prevent birth defects

Professor Carol Bower has received the prestigious ICBDSR Distinguished Service Award for her work on birth defects - a career that spans 35 years.

Nourish resources good for the body and the soul

For thousands of children around Australia with intellectual and other disabilities, the process of eating can be traumatic, posing challenges that veer from uncomfortable to life threatening.


Fine-grained Fidgety Movement Classification using Active Learning

Typically developing infants, between the corrected age of 9-20 weeks, produce fidgety movements. These movements can be identified with the General Movement Assessment, but their identification requires trained professionals to conduct the assessment from video recordings.