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Violence Risk Assessment in Australian Aboriginal Offender Populations: A Review of the Literature

The utilization of violence risk instruments in forensic populations is increasing and a plethora of empirical investigations support their ability to...


Working Together

This exciting new edition includes several new chapters that deliver an even more robust and high quality resource. It examines issues across the life course,..


Antenatal services for Aboriginal women: the relevance of cultural competence

Due to persistent significantly poorer Aboriginal perinatal outcomes, the Women's and Newborns' Health Network, require a comprehensive appraisal...


Working Together Second Edition

This 2nd edition is intended for staff and students and all health practitioners working in areas that support Indigenous mental health and wellbeing.


Community-based participatory action research on rheumatic heart disease in an Australian Aboriginal homeland: Evaluation of the ‘On track watch’ project

Based in 'both-way learning', the aim of this study was to co-design, implement and evaluate community-based participatory action research to achieve this vision


Decolonising Psychology: Validating Social and Emotional Wellbeing

This paper explores the meaning of these seven domains of social and emotional well-being.


The emerging role of the urban-based aboriginal peer support worker: A Western Australian study

Aboriginal Peer Support Workers identified their emerging integral role in the development of this unique culturally acceptable home visiting support for Aboriginal parents


Early mortality from external causes in Aboriginal mothers: A retrospective cohort study

Whilst a disproportionate number of Aboriginal women die from potentially preventable causes, no research has investigated mortality in Aboriginal mothers.


Addressing the relationship between racism and inequality in suicide...

In 2009 over 40 leading researchers and academics from across Australia signed the Boatshed Racism Roundtable Declaration that proposed four areas of action...


A Novel Approach to Transforming Smoking Cessation Practice for Pregnant Aboriginal Women and Girls Living in the Pilbara

Tobacco smoking during pregnancy contributes to a range of adverse perinatal outcomes; but is a potentially modifiable behavior.