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Protective Vaccine Responses in Infants after Maternal Pertussis Vaccination (PRIME) Study

Christopher Jennifer Peter Blyth Kent Richmond MBBS (Hons) DCH FRACP FRCPA PhD RN MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Centre Head, Wesfarmers Centre of Vaccines and


Immunogenicity and Safety of a Quadrivalent Meningococcal ACWY-tetanus Toxoid Conjugate Vaccine 6 Years After MenC Priming as Toddlers

One dose of MenACWY-TT boosts protection against MenC in primed children, is safe and extends protection against MenA, MenW and MenY


Severe and Complicated Varicella and Associated Genotypes 10 Years After Introduction of a One-Dose Varicella Vaccine Program

Severe hospitalized varicella still occurs with a 1-dose varicella program, although predominantly in unvaccinated children


Systemic antibiotics for chronic suppurative otitis media

To assess the effects of systemic antibiotics for people with chronic suppurative otitis media.


Immunogenicity and safety of single-dose, 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in pediatric and adolescent oncology patients

All children who are receiving therapy for cancer should receive a single dose of PCV13 as soon as possible after diagnosis, regardless of prior PCV exposure.


Evaluation of Combination Measles-Mumps-Rubella-Varicella Vaccine Introduction in Australia

To evaluate the effect on safety and coverage of earlier (18 m) scheduling of MMRV vaccine as the second dose of measles-containing vaccine in Australia.


A prospective cohort study assessing the reactogenicity of pertussis and influenza vaccines administered during pregnancy

Data on systemic and local reactions following receipt of TIV and dTpa during pregnancy support the safety of antenatal vaccination


Five-Year Antibody Persistence And Safety Following a Combined Haemophilus Influenzae Neisseria Meningitidis Tetanus Toxoid Vaccines

The purpose of this article is to investigate whether the number and timing of stressors experienced during pregnancy impacted longterm motor development at...


Lot-to-lot consistency of a tetravalent dengue vaccine in healthy adults in Australia: A randomised study

This trial tested the safety & consistency of the immune responses elicited by three consecutive lots of tetravalent dengue vaccine.