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What I Wish I Had Known: Examining Parent Accounts of Managing the Health of Their Child With Intellectual Disability

Appropriate support for the health of children with an intellectual disability by parents and healthcare professionals is pivotal, given the high risk of chronic conditions. However, there is limited research that has collected important insights from parents on their learnings for supporting their child's evolving healthcare needs.


Siblings of Individuals With Neurodevelopmental Conditions: Perspectives on Risk, Resiliency and Future Research Directions

Siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions (NDCs) are at increased genetic and environmental risk for poorer psychosocial and neurocognitive outcomes compared to control groups of siblings of individuals without NDCs. 


Risk of otitis media in offspring following maternal prenatal stress exposure

There is limited but consistent evidence that suggests prenatal factors, including maternal stress, may contribute to susceptibility for otitis media. We aimed to determine the effect of multiple life stress events during pregnancy on risk of acute and recurrent otitis media in offspring at three and five years of age. 


Perspectives on the essential skills of healthcare decision making in children and adolescents with intellectual disability

Involvement in healthcare decisions is associated with better health outcomes for patients. For children and adolescents with intellectual disability, parents and healthcare professionals need to balance listening to a child's wishes with the responsibility of keeping them safe. 


The prevalence of mental health disorders and symptoms in children and adolescents with cerebral palsy: a systematic review and meta-analysis

Mental health conditions and problems are often reported in children and adolescents with CP. A systematic review was undertaken to describe their prevalence.


Investigating facial phenotype in autism spectrum conditions: The importance of a hypothesis driven approach

The identification of differences in the facial phenotype of individuals with ASC may contribute to efforts to promote early identification of the condition and help elucidate etiological pathways.


A validation study of a modified Bouchard activity record that extends the concept of 'uptime' to Rett syndrome

The aim of this study was to investigate the validity of using a Bouchard activity record (BAR) in individuals with Rett syndrome to measure physical...


Patterns of depressive symptoms and social relating behaviors differ over time from other behavioral domains for young people with Down syndrome

People with intellectual disabilities are at a higher risk for experiencing behavioral, emotional, and psychiatric problems in comparison with the general...


Clinical guidelines for management of bone health in rett syndrome based on expert consensus and available evidence

A clinically significant history of fracture in combination with low bone densitometry findings is necessary for a diagnosis of osteoporosis in Rett Syndrome