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To Feel Belonged: The Voices of Children and Youth with Disabilities on the Meaning of Wellbeing

The aim of this paper was to describe the meaning of wellbeing for children and youth with disabilities from their perspective.


Population case-control study of cerebral palsy: Neonatal predictors for low-risk term singletons

For singletons with cerebral palsy (CP) who were born at term, the goals were (1) to determine the proportion not admitted to a Special Care Unit...


Adverse events following botulinum toxin type A treatment in children with cerebral palsy

Adverse events following botulinum toxin type A treatment in children with cerebral palsy


Epidemiology of the cerebral palsies

Half of the most severe cases of cerebral palsy (CP) survive to adulthood, but because this longevity is relatively recent, there is no empirical experience of


Measurement properties and feasibility of chronic pain assessment tools for use with children and young people with cerebral palsy

Chronic pain assessment tools exist for children, but may not be valid, reliable, and feasible for populations with functional, cognitive or communication limitations, for example, cerebral palsy (CP). This study aimed to (i) identify chronic pain assessment tools used with children and young people and rate their measurement properties; (ii) develop a CP specific feasibility rating tool to assess the feasibility of tools in CP; and (iii) categorise tools according to reporting method.


Hospitalizations Following Complex Hip Surgery in Children with Intellectual Disability: A Self-Controlled Case Series Analysis

To evaluate the associations between complex hip surgery and subsequent hospitalizations in children with intellectual disability, including a subset of children with cerebral palsy.


"Capturing the magic": identifying the active ingredients of a physical activity participation intervention for children and youth with disabilities

This study aimed to define the active ingredients of a participation-focused physical activity intervention for children and youth with disabilities.


Common data elements to standardize genomics studies in cerebral palsy

To define clinical common data elements (CDEs) and a mandatory minimum data set (MDS) for genomic studies of cerebral palsy (CP). Method: Candidate data elements were collated following a review of the literature and existing CDEs.


Epidemiology of the cerebral palsies

Epidemiology of CP aims to describe the frequency of the condition in a population and to monitor its changes over time


Comprehensive investigation of congenital anomalies in cerebral palsy: Protocol for a European-Australian population-based data linkage study

The aim of this study is to generate new knowledge about the aetiologies of CP through a focused investigation into the role of congenital anomalies