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FDA Patient-Focused Drug Development Guidances: Considerations for Trial Readiness in Rare Developmental and Epileptic Encephalopathies

Developmental and epileptic encephalopathies (DEE) are rare, often monogenic neurodevelopmental conditions. Most affected individuals have refractory seizures. All have multiple severe impairments which can be as life-limiting as or more limiting than the seizures themselves. Mechanism- and gene-targeted therapies for these individually rare, genetic conditions hold hope for treatment, amelioration of disease expression, and even cure. 


Neuropsychological profiles of adolescents sentenced to detention in Western Australia with and without prenatal alcohol exposure

Youth with prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE) are under-recognised in the justice system, warranting improved identification. This study aimed to compare neuropsychological profiles of adolescents, with and without PAE and identify neuropsychological tasks predictive of PAE-group membership. It was hypothesised that participants with PAE would score significantly lower on neuropsychological tests.


Caregiver Perspective of Benefits and Side Effects of Anti-Seizure Medications in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder from an International Database

CDKL5 deficiency disorder presents as a challenging condition with early-onset refractory seizures, severe developmental delays, and a range of other neurological symptoms. Our study aimed to explore the benefits and side effects of anti-seizure medications in managing seizures among individuals with CDKL5 deficiency disorder, drawing on data from the International CDKL5 Disorder Database.  


Self-Reported Traumatic Brain Injury and Its Biopsychosocial Risk Factors in Siblings of Individuals with Neurodevelopmental Conditions

Siblings of individuals with neurodevelopmental conditions are situated within a complex system of risk and resilience factors for poor outcomes, many of which overlap with the risk of traumatic brain injury and correlate with poorer recovery trajectories.


Predicting Long-Term Survival Without Major Disability for Infants Born Preterm

Apgar score, birth weight, sex, socioeconomic status, and maternal ethnicity, in addition to gestational age, have pronounced impacts on disability-free survival.


Data Linkage: Canadian and Australian Perspectives on a Valuable Methodology for Intellectual and Developmental Disability Research

Building data linkage capabilities, and how linked databases can be used to identify persons with IDD and used for population-based research


Hospital admissions in children with developmental disabilities from ethnic minority backgrounds

Children with CP and intellectual disability, particularly from minority backgrounds, were at higher risk of being admitted to hospital after the first year of life

News & Events

Funding to support research into the impact of standing wheelchairs

The Kids researchers are investigating the physical and psychological impacts of powered standing wheelchairs for boys suffering from Duchenne


Down Syndrome Clinical Trial- BTD-001

Helen Jenny Peter Leonard Downs Richmond MBChB MPH BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD MBBS MRCP(UK) FRACP Principal Research Fellow Program Head, Development


Environmental enrichment intervention for Rett syndrome: an individually randomised stepped wedge trial

Helen Jenny Leonard Downs MBChB MPH BApplSci (physio) MSc PhD Principal Research Fellow Program Head, Development and Disability +61 419 956 946 08