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Bigiswun Kid Project: a longitudinal study of adolescents living with high rates of prenatal alcohol exposure, fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and early life trauma in remote Australian Aboriginal communities

The Lililwan Project was the first Australian population-based prevalence study of fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) using active case ascertainment. Conducted in 2010-2011, the study included 95% of all eligible children aged 7-9 years living in the very remote Aboriginal communities of the Fitzroy Valley, Western Australia.


Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PREVenar13 and SynflorIX in sequence or alone in high-risk indigenous infants (PREV-IX-COMBO)

Otitis media (OM) starts within weeks of birth in almost all Indigenous infants living in remote areas of the Northern Territory (NT).


The valuing of upstream approaches across the lifecourse. Fact Sheet 2 for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Suicide Prevention Evaluation Project

This factsheet highlights the need for a greater understanding of the importance of constructive & preventive ‘upstream’ approaches & sustained investment in...


A systematic review: Identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia's Indigenous populations

A systematic review: Identifying the prevalence rates of psychiatric disorder in Australia's Indigenous populations.


Prevalence and patterns of alcohol use in pregnancy in remote Western Australian communities: The Lililwan Project

Alcohol use in pregnancy is thought to be common in remote Australian communities, but no population-based data are available.


Rheumatic heart disease in Indigenous children in northern Australia: Differences in prevalence and the challenges of screening

This study compared regional differences in the prevalence of rheumatic heart disease in Indigenous Australian children, and describes the logistical and...


Djinangingy kaartdijin: Seeing and understanding our ways of working

This chapter describes the challenges experienced by Aboriginal people in their efforts to negotiate Australian society


A collaborative yarn on qualitative health research with Aboriginal communities

In this paper, we seek to provide guidance for researchers who are new to undertaking research with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities