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Just what the doctor ordered: moving forward with electronic health records

To provide dietitians with information on the proposed introduction of electronic medical records in Australia and New Zealand and discuss potential benefits...


Use of equipment and respite services and caregiver health among Australian families living with Rett syndrome

This study assessed factors that could influence equipment and respite services use among Australian families caring for a girl/woman with Rett syndrome and...


Free testosterone levels in umbilical cord blood predict infant head circumference in girls

Fetal androgens influence fetal growth as well as postnatal neurocognitive ability.


The impact of having a sibling with an intellectual disability:parental perspectives in two disorders

This study describes the impact of having a sibling with Down syndrome or Rett syndrome using a questionnaire completed by parents.


The role of family and maternal factors in childhood obesity

The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between a child's weight and a broad range of family and maternal factors.


Partial epilepsy syndrome in a Gypsy family linked to 5q31.3-q32

The restricted genetic diversity and homogeneous molecular basis of Mendelian disorders in isolated founder populations have rarely been explored in epilepsy...


Comparison of experiences in two birth cohorts comprising young families with children under four years during the initial Covid-19 lockdown in Australia and the UK: A qualitative study

This study aims to understand the experience and impact of the initial COVID-19 lock-down in young families with children aged below 4 years. Free text questions were administered to participants in the ORIGINS (Australia) and Born in Bradford (UK) cohort studies to collect qualitative information on worries, concerns and enjoyable experiences during the pandemic.


Excess respiratory mortality and hospitalizations associated with influenza in Australia, 2007-2015

Influenza is the most common vaccine-preventable disease in Australia, causing significant morbidity and mortality. We assessed the burden of influenza across all ages in terms of influenza-associated mortality and hospitalizations using national mortality, hospital-discharge and influenza surveillance data.


“Coronavirus Changed the Rules on Everything”: Parent Perspectives on How the COVID‐19 Pandemic Influenced Family Routines, Relationships and Technology Use in Families with Infants

This study explores how the first wave of the COVID‐19 pandemic influenced family routines, relationships and technology use (smartphones and tablet computers) among families with infants. Infancy is known to be an important period for attachment security and future child development, and a time of being susceptible to changes within and outside of the family unit.


Optimal interpregnancy interval in autism spectrum disorder: A multi-national study of a modifiable risk factor

It is biologically plausible that risk of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is elevated by both short and long interpregnancy intervals (IPI). We conducted a retrospective cohort study of singleton, non-nulliparous live births.