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Discordant electroencephalogram epileptiform activity and hemispherectomy in children with refractory epilepsy and encephaloclastic lesions: a case series

This is a case series of six children with unilateral cerebral palsy and hemispheric encephaloclastic lesions who were evaluated for epilepsy surgery. Seizure onset was in the neonatal period in three children, at 17 months in two, and at 5 years in one.


Change in residential remoteness during the first 5 years of life in an Australian cerebral palsy cohort

To determine if families of children with cerebral palsy living in Australia move to less remote areas between birth and 5 years.


Prevalence of symptoms associated with respiratory illness in children and young people with cerebral palsy

This letter to the editor discusses the prevalence of symptoms associated with respiratory illness in children & young people with cerebral palsy.


Clinical acceptability of the sense_assess© kids: Children and youth perspectives

This study has demonstrated the acceptability of sense_assessĀ© kids for the population for whom it is intended


Fetal growth restriction and risk of cerebral palsy in singletons born after at least 35 weeks' gestation

The objective of the study was to improve the understanding of etiological paths to cerebral palsy (CP) that include fetal growth restriction by examining...


The risk of cerebral palsy in survivors of multiple pregnancies with cofetal loss or death

This study investigated the risks for cerebral palsy in survivors of multiple pregnancies with cofetal loss (< 20 weeks' gestation) or cofetal death...


What constitutes cerebral palsy in the twenty-first century?

The aims of this paper were to (1) define inclusion/exclusion criteria that have been adopted uniformly by surveillance programmes and identify where...


The right interventions for each child with cerebral palsy

This paper is a comment on an article published in a previous edition of the journal on a clinical intervention strategy for children with cerebral palsy.


A systematic review of risk factors for cerebral palsy in children born at term in developed countries

The aim of this study was to conduct a systematic review in order to identify the risk factors for cerebral palsy (CP) in children born at term.


Collaborating with consumers: the key to achieving statutory notification for birth defects and cerebral palsy in Western Australia

The Western Australian Birth Defects Registry and the Western Australian Cerebral Palsy Register used multiple sources of voluntary notification without...