Robustness, risk and responsivity in early language acquisitionLanguage is a robust developmental phenomenon, characterised by rapid and prodigious growth.
Inner speech impairment in children with autism is associated with greater nonverbal than verbal skillsWe present a new analysis of Whitehouse, Maybery, and Durkin's (2006, Experiment 3) data on inner speech in children with autism (CWA).

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ORIGINS reaches key milestoneORIGINS, a collaboration between The Kids and the Joondalup Health Campus, has achieved a major milestone – recruiting its 1000th family.
Maternal Serum Vitamin D Levels During Pregnancy and Offspring Neurocognitive DevelopmentNew research links poor language to lack of Vitamin D in womb.

The Human Development and Community Wellbeing Team conducts research across the lifespan from conception, childhood, and youth to adulthood and the social determinants that impact and influence outcomes. The team’s focus is on the broader life course of individuals and communities within the family, school, and online environments, and includes economic evaluation of programs and outcomes.

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The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers share in State Government science grantsFour The Kids Research Institute Australia researchers are among those who have received funding in the WA State Government's Merit Award Program announced today.

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Twins talk half as much at twoA world first study of language development in toddler twins confirms the widely held belief that twins start to talk later than single-born children.

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Language Study Reveals Need for Long Term MonitoringA new study looking at the receptive language development of young children has highlighted the need to monitor kids over time to ensure they don't fall behind.

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How learning to talk is in the genesResearchers from Perth's The Kids Research Institute Australia have been part of an international study that has found that genetic factors contribute to the development of l