Risk factors for hospitalizations associated with depression among women duringthe years around a birth: a retrospective cohort studyResults provide preliminary evidence that barriers to treating depression with anti-depressants in mothers from low income areas during the years around a birth
Management of oral and dental problems in Rett syndrome: a narrative review of the literatureReview of the available dental literature on assessment and management of the oral manifestations of Rett syndrome
We examined the impact of introducing a dedicated team to OPAT, to define the role of increased medical oversight in improving patient outcomes in this cohort.To evaluate the risk of stillbirth, PTB, and SGA as a proxy for FGR following exposure to one or more of these factors in a previous birth.
New Opportunities for Evidence in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisorderRecent research, using objective 3-dimensional facial imaging, has found differences between the facial shape of individuals with FAS and the facial shape of individuals without FAS or with partial FAS
Somatosensory discrimination intervention improves body position sense and motor performance in children with hemiplegic cerebral palsyThe intervention group improved in goal performance, proprioception, and bimanual hand use and maintained improvement at 6-mo follow-up.
Health care utilization and costs for children and adults with duchenne muscular dystrophyThe annual economic cost of DMD was found to be high, reflecting a significant socioeconomic burden, especially in boys who reach adulthood
News & Events
Research enriching the lives of girls with Rett syndromeA program developed by The Kids Research Institute Australia researcher Dr Jenny Downs has led to dramatic improvements in the functioning of Chinese children with Rett syndrome, and could change the world.
Can RESPiratory hospital Admissions in children with cerebral palsy be reduced? A feasibility randomised Controlled Trial pilot study protocol (RESP-ACT)The most common cause of morbidity and mortality in children with severe cerebral palsy (CP) is respiratory disease. BREATHE-CP (Better REspiratory and Airway Treatment and HEalth in Cerebral Palsy) is a multidisciplinary research team who have conducted research on the risk factors associated with CP respiratory disease, a systematic review on management and a Delphi study on the development of a consensus for the prevention and management of respiratory disease in CP.
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