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The relationship between pitch contours in infant-directed speech and early signs of autism in infancy

Mother-infant interactions during the first year of life are crucial to healthy infant development. The infant-directed speech (IDS), and specifically pitch contours, used by mothers during interactions are associated with infant language and social development.


Conceptualising Wellbeing for Australian Aboriginal LGBTQA+ Young People

It is likely that young people who are both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and LGBTQA+ would be at increased risk for poor mental health outcomes due to the layered impacts of discrimination they experience; however, there is very little empirical evidence focused on the mental health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander LGBTQA+ young people. The current study represents a qualitative exploration of wellbeing among Aboriginal LGBTQA+ young people. 


Western Australia remote aeromedical substance use disorders outcomes

Substance use disorders (SUDs) cause significant harm to regional Australians, who are more likely to misuse alcohol and other drugs (AODs) and encounter difficulty in accessing treatment services. The primary aims of this study were to describe the demographics of patients aeromedically retrieved from regional locations and compare hospital outcomes with a metropolitan-based cohort.


Developing fit-for-purpose funding models for rural settings: Lessons from the evaluation of a step-up/step-down service in regional Australia

Sub-acute mental health community services provide a bridging service between hospital and community care. There is limited understanding of the local factors that influence success, and of the funding implications of delivering services in rural areas.


The school experiences of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Western Australia

Elevated levels of emotional difficulties among school students with T1D and variable levels of support from school staff to assist these students to manage their diabetes at school


Feasibility of a commercial smartphone application for dietary assessment in epidemiological research and comparison with 24-h dietary recalls

Our study tested the relative validity of a smart phone app for uses as an epidemiological dietary assessment tool, compared with a standard assessment method.


The impact of psychotic experiences in the early stages of mental health problems in young people

Psychotic experiences appear to be particularly associated with depressive symptoms and psychological distress, impaired role functioning and quality of life in help-seeking young people in the medium-term


Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorders and Autism Spectrum Disorder

We examine the level of comorbidity found between Autism spectrum disorder and Schizophrenia spectrum disorders at a clinical and trait level


The impact of child maltreatment on the risk of deliberate self-harm among adolescents: A population-wide cohort study using linked administrative records

This study calls for the early identification of children who are vulnerable to maltreatment, the better identification of the duration and severity of maltreatment experiences, and the provision of continued care and support, to reduce the child's deliberate self harm risk in adolescence.

News & Events

New project to train homeless young people as suicide-alert helpers

Up to 50 homeless young people will be provided with training to help them recognise suicidal behaviour and make referrals to potentially life-saving resources, thanks to a grant from Suicide Prevention Australia.