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Reduced heart rate variability in remitted bipolar disorder and recurrent depression

Heart Rate Variability was found to be lower in the bipolar and depression groups, compared with control subjects


Antecedents of hospital admission for deliberate self-harm from a 14-year follow-up study using data-linkage

A prior episode of deliberate self-harm (DSH) is one of the strongest predictors of future completed suicide. Identifying antecedents of DSH may inform strategi


Evidence of a complex association between dose, pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and child behaviour problems

There is a lack of evidence regarding the effect of dose, pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and behaviour problems in children aged 2 years.


Severity and persistence of asthma and mental health: a birth cohort study

The goal of the current study was to investigate asthma and mental health among youth in the community.


Identification and genetic determination of an early life risk disposition for depressive disorder:

Progress in psychiatric genetics has been slow despite evidence of high heritability for most mental disorders

Human Development and Community Wellbeing

The Human Development and Community Wellbeing Team conducts research across the lifespan from conception, childhood, and youth to adulthood and the social determinants that impact and influence outcomes. The team’s focus is on the broader life course of individuals and communities within the family, school, and online environments, and includes economic evaluation of programs and outcomes.


Examining the risk factors for suicidal behaviour of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children...

While the majority of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children are travelling on track or exceeding across all developmental domains...


Psychosocial characteristics and predictors of health-care use in families of young children with cystic fibrosis in Western Australia

This study aimed to identify psychosocial predictors in cystic fibrosis that may inform intervention strategies.


Intersex adolescents seeking help for their depression: the case study of SPARX in New Zealand

SPARX is a computerized cognitive behavioral therapy self-help program for adolescent depression that is freely available in New Zealand. At registration, users identify themselves as either male, female, intersex, or transgender. We aimed to describe the mental health of adolescent intersex users. A secondary analysis of SPARX usage data over 5 years.


Maternal prenatal stress exposure and sex-specific risk of severe infection in offspring

Maternal stressful life events during pregnancy have been associated with immune dysregulation and increased risk for asthma and atopy in offspring. Few studies have investigated whether prenatal stress is associated with increased overall or specific infectious diseases in childhood, nor explored sex differences. We sought to examine the relationship between the nature and timing of maternal stress in pregnancy and hospitalisation with infection in offspring.