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The current state of play of rodent models to study the role of vitamin D in UV-induced immunomodulation

Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from sunlight is immunomodulatory and the main source of vitamin D for humans.


Vitamin D 3 deficiency enhances allergen-induced lymphocyte responses in a mouse model of allergic airway disease

In this study, using a mouse model, we determined whether vitamin D deficiency in utero and during early life modulated the severity of asthma.


UV exposure and protection against allergic airways disease

Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease of the small and large conducting airway mucosa characterised by Th2 cell immunity.


Associations between sun exposure, skin pH, and epidermal permeability in pregnancy: A longitudinal observational study

Little is known about how sun exposure may affect the maternal skin barrier during pregnancy when many hormonal and physiological changes occur. In this longitudinal observational study, 50 pregnant women were recruited at 18-24 weeks' gestation, 25 in summer-autumn, and 25 in winter-spring. At three time points in pregnancy at 18-24, 28-30, and 36-38 weeks' gestation, participants completed a validated sun exposure questionnaire and had skin permeability and surface pH measured on the volar forearm.


Demographic and clinical predictors of vitamin D status in pregnant women tested for deficiency in Western Australia

This study aimed to describe the vitamin D status of pregnant women in Western Australia and identify predictors of deficiency in pregnancy. A cross-sectional study was conducted using linked data from statewide administrative data collections.

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Government funding for innovative sun safety online tool for teens

The Kids researcher Dr Shelley Gorman has received a Healthway grant to develop an online tool to promote safe sun behaviours to teenagers.

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Sun safe: balancing the risks and benefits

The D-Light program, set up in 2014, aims to shed light on the amount of sun exposure that will promote good health in children and adolescents.

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Chronic lung disease link targeted in new research study

A link between chronic lung disease and low Vitamin D levels is the focus of a new study just started by the Telethon Institute for Child Health Research.

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The value of Vitamin D

Research has shown that vitamin D levels can have an impact on many aspects of a child's health, including lung growth, language development and eating patterns