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Pneumococcal conjugate vaccines PREVenar13 and SynflorIX in sequence or alone in high-risk indigenous infants (PREV-IX-COMBO)

Otitis media (OM) starts within weeks of birth in almost all Indigenous infants living in remote areas of the Northern Territory (NT).

Research study protocol: A cluster randomised controlled evaluation of education, decisional support and logistical strategies...

The National Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccination Program in Australia commenced in 2007 for females and in 2013 for males, using the quadrivalent HPV...


The global epidemiology of impetigo: A systematic review of the population prevalence of impetigo and pyoderma

We conducted a comprehensive, systematic review of the global childhood population prevalence of impetigo and the broader condition pyoderma.


Towards a PBMC "virogram assay" for precision medicine: Concordance between ex vivo and in vivo viral infection transcriptomes

In this rhinovirus study, we first hypothesized that ex vivo human cells response to virus can serve as a proxy for otherwise controversial in vivo human...


Antibiotic duration and timing of the switch from intravenous to oral route for bacterial infections in children: systematic review and guidelines

Systematic review of antibiotic duration and timing of intravenous to oral switch for paediatric infectious diseases and evidence-graded recommendations


A retrospective study of Babesia macropus associated with morbidity and mortality

This is a retrospective study of 38 cases of infection by Babesia macropus, associated with a syndrome of anaemia and debility in hand-reared or free-ranging...


Infectious diseases clinician's variation in the management of pediatric Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia and equipoise for clinical trials

Large variation in antibiotic prescribing amongst clinicians is demonstrated and increased, corresponding with escalating case complexity and persisting MRSA bacteraemia


Perinatal Risk Factors Associated With Gastroenteritis Hospitalizations in Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Children in Western Australia (2000-2012)

Given the beneficial effect of infant rotavirus vaccination efforts should be taken to optimize rotavirus vaccine coverage in those at highest risk


Postvaccination Febrile Seizure Severity and Outcome

Vaccine-proximate febrile seizures accounted for a small proportion of all febrile seizures hospital presentations


Impact of influenza on hospitalization rates in children with a range of chronic lung diseases

This large population-based study suggests a significant healthcare burden associated with influenza in children with a range of chronic lung diseases