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Maternal alcohol disorders and school achievement: a population cohort record linkage study in Western Australia

Children of mothers with alcohol use disorders are at risk of not meeting minimum educational benchmarks in numeracy and literacy, with the risk highest among Indigenous children.


Alcohol-use disorders during and within one year of pregnancy: A population-based cohort study 1985-2006

Given the severe risks to the fetus from heavy prenatal alcohol exposure, assessment and recording of alcohol use should be routinely undertaken in maternity...


Gross motor performance in children prenatally exposed to alcohol and living in remote Australia

A higher than expected proportion of children with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders had gross motor scores that indicated impairment and need for therapy


Evidence of a complex association between dose, pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and child behaviour problems

There is a lack of evidence regarding the effect of dose, pattern and timing of prenatal alcohol exposure and behaviour problems in children aged 2 years.

News & Events

Thinking big to tackle kids’ brain development

If there’s one thing modern researchers and health professionals now understand, it’s that for so many diseases and conditions affecting children and adolescents, early intervention is crucial.


Prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome in a population-based sample of children living in remote Australia: The Lililwan Project.

Aboriginal leaders concerned about high rates of alcohol use in pregnancy invited researchers to determine the prevalence of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) and...


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorders: Using knowledge, attitudes and practice of justice professionals to support their educational needs

There was widespread agreement of the need for more information and training about FASD to optimise outcomes for people with FASD engaging with justice system


Perceptions of two different alcohol use behaviours in pregnancy: an application of the prototype/willingness model

This study explored whether exposure to either an ‘ambiguous consumption’ prototype (no amount of alcohol specified) or a ‘small consumption’ prototype (‘small’ amount of alcohol specified) had an impact on prototype perceptions of, and willingness to use, small amounts of alcohol during pregnancy.


Associations of prenatal alcohol exposure and offspring harmful alcohol use: findings from the Raine Study

Epidemiological evidence suggests offspring exposed to prenatal alcohol are at increased risk of alcohol use disorders in adulthood. The evidence on the risk of developing harmful alcohol use in adolescence is less clear.


Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder and the criminal justice system

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) is a condition caused by prenatal exposure to alcohol and characterised by severe neurodevelopmental impairment which have lifelong implications. Impairments in executive function, memory, cognition, language and attention are common, and can lead to early and repeat engagement with the criminal justice system.