Decreasing Trends in Mean HbA1c Are Not Associated With Increasing Rates of Severe Hypoglycemia in ChildrenThere have been concurrent improvements in HbA1c and decreasing severe hypoglycemia rates in two pediatric cohorts of type 1 diabetes
Epigenetic Age Acceleration in Adolescence Associates with BMI, Inflammation, and Risk Score for Middle Age Cardiovascular DiseaseAccelerated epigenetic age in adolescence was associated with inflammation, BMI measured 5 years later, and probability of middle age cardiovascular disease
Exercise Management for Young People With Type 1 Diabetes: A Structured Approach to the Exercise ConsultationThis review provides a structured approach to assist in formulating person-specific exercise management plans for young people with T1D
Effect of 6 months hybrid closed-loop insulin delivery in young people with type 1 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial protocolThis is a randomised controlled home trial to test the MiniMed Medtronic 670G system in people with type 1 diabetes aged 12-25 years
The school experiences of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in Western AustraliaElevated levels of emotional difficulties among school students with T1D and variable levels of support from school staff to assist these students to manage their diabetes at school
Arylsulphatase A Pseudodeficiency (ARSA-PD), hypertension and chronic renal disease in Aboriginal AustraliansTraits associated with CVD, CRD and T2D in Aboriginal Australians provide novel insight into function of Arylsulphatase A Pseudodeficiency variants
Appendicular fracture epidemiology of children and adolescents: a 10-year case review in Western Australia (2005 to 2015)Increased fracture incidence in Western Australia between 2005 and 2015 identifies a concerning trend for bone health in children and adolescents
Endocrine and metabolic consequences due to restrictive carbohydrate diets in children with type 1 diabetes: An illustrative case seriesThe promotion of a low carbohydrate diet in media is in contrast to published pediatric diabetes guidelines that endorse a balanced diet from a variety of foods
Orthopaedic issues in Rett SyndromeThis chapter reviews the prevalence, characteristics, and clinical management of orthopedic problems in RTT.
Quantification of walking-based physical activity and sedentary time in individuals with Rett syndromeQuantifying individual's with Rett syndrome with the ability to walk, walking based activities and sedentary time, analyzing a variety of influences.