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Skin health of Aboriginal children living in urban communities

Skin concerns are frequent among urban-living Aboriginal children, yet specialist dermatology consultations are limited with studies highlighting the need for improved cultural security. Through newly established paediatric dermatology clinics at two urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisations (ACCHOs), we aimed to describe clinic and patient data, including disease frequencies and associations, to inform dermatology service provision and advocacy. 


Effects of ganaxolone on non-seizure outcomes in CDKL5 Deficiency Disorder: Double-blind placebo-controlled randomized trial

CDKL5 deficiency disorder (CDD) is a rare developmental and epileptic encephalopathy. Ganaxolone, a neuroactive steroid, reduces the frequency of major motor seizures in children with CDD. This analysis explored the effect of ganaxolone on non-seizure outcomes. 


Prevalence of tuberculosis infection among contacts of drug-resistant tuberculosis patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Contact investigations with drug-susceptible tuberculosis (DS-TB) patients have demonstrated a high prevalence of tuberculosis infection (TBI). However, the prevalence of TBI among individuals in close contact with drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) patients is poorly understood. This systematic review and meta-analysis aimed to determine the prevalence of TBI among household and non-household contacts of DR-TB patients.


Patient-advocate-led global coalition adapting fit-for-purpose outcomes measures to assure meaningful inclusion of DEEs in clinical trials

Existing clinical tools that measure non-seizure outcomes lack the range and granularity needed to capture skills in developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE)-affected individuals who also fall in the severe to profound range of intellectual disability. This effectively excludes those with severe impairments from clinical trials, impeding the ability of sponsors to evaluate disease-modifying therapies.


The ETO2 transcriptional cofactor maintains acute leukemia by driving a MYB/EP300-dependent stemness program

Transcriptional cofactors of the ETO family are recurrent fusion partners in acute leukemia. We characterized the ETO2 regulome by integrating transcriptomic and chromatin binding analyses in human erythroleukemia xenografts and controlled ETO2 depletion models. We demonstrate that beyond its well-established repressive activity, ETO2 directly activates transcription of MYB, among other genes.


Workforce training needs to address social and emotional wellbeing in home-based Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander aged care

To explore the training needs of the home care workforce in supporting the social and emotional wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples receiving aged care services through the Home Care Package Program.


Use of privacy-preserving record linkage to examine the dispensing of pharmaceutical benefits scheme medicines to pregnant women in Western Australia

Medications are commonly used during pregnancy to manage pre-existing conditions and conditions that arise during pregnancy. However, not all medications are safe to use in pregnancy. This study utilized privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL) to examine medications dispensed under the national Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) to pregnant women in Western Australia (WA) overall and by medication safety category. 


A digital intervention to support childhood cognition after the COVID-19 pandemic: a pilot trial

Difficulties in executive functioning (EF) can result in impulsivity, forgetfulness, and inattention. Children living in remote/regional communities are particularly at risk of impairment in these cognitive skills due to reduced educational engagement and poorer access to interventions. This vulnerability has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and strategies are needed to mitigate long-term negative impacts on EF.


An Expanded Conceptual Framework for Understanding Irritability in Childhood: The Role of Cognitive Control Processes

Children prone to irritability experience significant functional impairments and internalising and externalising problems. Contemporary models have sought to elucidate the underlying mechanisms in irritability, such as aberrant threat and reward biases to improve interventions. 


Italian Version of QI-Disability for QoL Evaluation in Children and Adolescents with Intellectual Disability: Translation and Cross-Cultural Adaptation Process

Children and adolescents with Intellectual Disability experience a worse Quality-of-Life (QoL) relative to typically developing peers. Thus, QoL evaluation is important for identifying support needs and improving rehabilitation effectiveness. Nevertheless, currently in Italy there are not tools with this scope. This study aims to translate and cross-culturally adapt the Quality-of-Life Inventory-Disability into Italian.