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Directing immune development to curb sky-rocketing diseaseOnce upon a time it was infectious diseases like polio, measles or tuberculosis that most worried parents. With these threats now largely under control, parents face a new challenge – sky-rocketing rates of non-infectious diseases such as asthma, allergies and autism.
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Funding boost to improve anaesthesia safety for kids with asthmaTelethon Kids Institute and the PMH Anaesthesia Research Team will work to improve the safety for young children with asthma undergoing general anaesthesia.
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Video: Aboriginal AsthmaWadjuk Nyungar man Walter McGuire talks about the importance of air quality to our health.
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Research reveals new link between Vitamin D, lung bacteria and asthmaA The Kids for Child Health Research study has uncovered a new link between vitamin D levels and asthma.
Multi-centre, multi-disciplinary study using a systems biology approach to investigate immunomodulation in children with acute wheezeIngrid Pat Laing Holt BSc PhD PhD, DSc, FRCPath, FRCPI, FAA Head, Children's Respiratory Science Emeritus Honorary Researcher 6319 1828 Ingrid.laing@
News & Events
Census data reveals stark gap in asthma risk for inner and outer city kidsChildren who live in the outer suburbs of Australia’s four biggest cities are twice as likely to have asthma as those living in inner city areas, according to a new study based on health data captured in the last Australian Census.
Chronic cat allergen exposure induces a Th2 cell-dependent IgG4 response related to low sensitizationThis study evaluated the relationship between cat allergen–specific biomarkers in adults with cat allergy with and without cat ownership.
Elucidation of pathways driving asthma pathogenesis: Development of a systems-level analytic strategyWhereas asthma was rare in the late 1800s and early 1900s, the marked increase in its incidence and prevalence since the 1960s points to substantial gene ×...
The mechanism of deep inspiration-induced bronchoprotection: Evidence from a mouse modelIn healthy individuals, deep inspirations (DIs) taken prior to a bronchial challenge reduce the bronchoconstrictor response, which is termed...
Antibacterial antibody responses associated with the development of asthma in house dust mite-sensitised and non-sensitised childrenWe aimed to measure the antibody development to 2 bacteria in a birth cohort at high risk of allergic disease, and to assess which responses are asthma-linked.