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Sunlight, nitric oxide and cardiometabolic dysfunction: exploring beneficial mechanisms

Prue Shelley Hart Gorman BSc (Hons) MSc PhD BSc (Hons) PhD Honorary Research Fellow Honorary Research Associate


Comparing the effects of sun exposure and vitamin D supplementation on vitamin D insufficiency, and immune and cardio-metabolic function

Adults living in the sunny Australian climate are at high risk of skin cancer, but vitamin D deficiency (defined here as a serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D...


Ultraviolet radiation suppresses obesity and symptoms of metabolic syndrome independently of vitamin D

UVR or sunlight exposure may be an effective means of suppressing the development of obesity and MetS, through mechanisms that are independent of vitamin D


Vitamin D status and ill health

This paper is a comment in response to a review of Vitamin D status and its association with ill health.


Prostaglandin E2 imprints a long-lasting effect on dendritic cell progenitors in the bone marrow

Injection of BM-differentiated DCs from nonchimeric mice restored the reduced immune responses of PGE2-chimeric mice.


Acute Erythemal Ultraviolet Radiation Causes Systemic Immunosuppression in the Absence

Vitamin D is synthesised by ultraviolet (UV) irradiation of skin and is hypothesized to be a direct mediator.


Modulation of the immune system by UV radiation: More than just the effects of vitamin D?

Humans obtain most of their vitamin D through the exposure of skin to sunlight


Regular exposure to non-burning ultraviolet radiation reduces signs of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mature adult mice fed a high fat diet

Frequent exposure to low levels of sunlight may reduce the severity of hepatic steatosis induced in older adults living in environments of high caloric intake