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The EU Child Cohort Network’s core data: establishing a set of findable, accessible, interoperable and re-usable (FAIR) variables

The Horizon2020 LifeCycle Project is a cross-cohort collaboration which brings together data from multiple birth cohorts from across Europe and Australia to facilitate studies on the influence of early-life exposures on later health outcomes. A major product of this collaboration has been the establishment of a FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable) data resource known as the EU Child Cohort Network. Here we focus on the EU Child Cohort Network's core variables.


Unlocking immune-mediated disease mechanisms with transcriptomics

The transcriptome represents the entire set of RNA transcripts expressed in a cell, reflecting both the underlying genetic and epigenetic landscape and environmental influences, providing a comprehensive view of functional cellular states at any given time. Recent technological advances now enable the study of the transcriptome at the resolution of individual cells, providing exciting opportunities to characterise cellular and molecular events that underpin immune-medicated diseases.


Structured review of primary interventions to reduce group A streptococcal infections, acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease

Rheumatic heart disease (RHD) is a large, preventable, global public health burden. In New Zealand (NZ), acute rheumatic fever (ARF) and RHD rates are highest for Māori and Pacific children. This structured review explores the evidence for primary prevention interventions to diagnose and effectively treat group A Streptococcus (GAS) pharyngitis and skin infections to reduce rates of ARF and RHD.


Prevalence and risk factors of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region: a scoping review protocol

Fetal growth restriction, preterm birth, low birth weight and stillbirth are adverse birth outcomes that are prevalent in low-income and middle-income settings such as the Pacific Island region. It is widely accepted that the excess burden of adverse birth outcomes is attributable to socioeconomic and environmental factors that predispose families to excess risk. Our review seeks to determine the prevalence of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region and to identify the risk factors of adverse birth outcomes in the Pacific Island region.


Efficacy and safety of influenza vaccination during pregnancy: realizing the potential of maternal influenza immunization

Pregnant women are at higher risk of severe complications following influenza infection compared to the general population. Influenza vaccination during pregnancy can offer direct protection to pregnant women and passive immunity to infants up to 6 months of age via maternal antibodies. Pregnant women are a high priority group for influenza immunization.


Language and literacy in the context of early life adversity

This chapter considers the role of different forms of psychosocial adversity as risk factors for compromised language and literacy development in childhood and adolescence. Language skills play a central role in the development of prosocial interpersonal skills as well as promoting academic success through the transition to literacy.

Leadership in action

The leadership in action section of this handbook includes three modules you can access from the links below. How do you make a change? This module

Privacy settings

Privacy settings help you to control who can access your social media profiles and other information you have stored online or on your devices.

Using passwords

Passwords not only protect your information, but also the information you have on your phones, computers and other devices about your friends and

Supporting fellow students

Once you are in a leadership position within your school, other students may feel they can approach you to talk about their problems and to seek help