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Identification of distinct functional thymic programming of fetal and pediatric human γδ thymocytes via single-cell analysis

Developmental thymic waves of innate-like and adaptive-like γδ T cells have been described, but the current understanding of γδ T cell development is mainly limited to mouse models.


The Future Healthy Countdown 2030: holding Australia to account for the health and wellbeing of future generations

Fiona Stanley FAA FASSA MSc MD FFPHM FAFPHM FRACP FRANZCOG HonDSc HonDUniv HonFRACGP HonMD HonFRCPCH HonLLB (honoris causa) Patron 08 6319 1176


Healthy Environments and Lives (HEAL): Australian research network in human health and environmental change

The HEAL Network aims to strengthen the Australian health system and community resilience to climate change, extreme events, and environmental degradation.


Frankenstein Cas9: engineering improved gene editing systems

The discovery of CRISPR-Cas9 and its widespread use has revolutionised and propelled research in biological sciences.


Safety, tolerability, and effect of a single aural dose of Dornase alfa at the time of ventilation tube surgery for otitis media: A Phase 1b double randomized control trial

One third of children require repeat ventilation tube insertion (VTI) for otitis media. Disease recurrence is associated with persistent middle ear bacterial biofilms. With demonstration that Dornase alfa (a DNase) disrupts middle ear effusion biofilms ex vivo, we identified potential for this as an anti-biofilm therapy to prevent repeat VTI. First, safety and tolerability needed to be measured.


Trends in treatment-seeking for fever in children under five years old in 151 countries from 1990 to 2020

Access to medical treatment for fever is essential to prevent morbidity and mortality in individuals and to prevent transmission of communicable febrile illness in communities. Quantification of the rates at which treatment is accessed is critical for health system planning and a prerequisite for disease burden estimates. 


The Stride program: Feasibility and pre-to-post program change of an exercise service for university students experiencing mental distress

Rates of mental illness are disproportionately high for young adult and higher education (e.g., university student) populations. As such, universities and tertiary institutions often devote significant efforts to services and programs that support and treat mental illness and/or mental distress. However, within that portfolio of treatment approaches, structured exercise has been relatively underutilised and greater research attention is needed to develop this evidence base.


The queers are all right: a content analysis of LGBTQIA + mental health on TikTok

The formation of online communities instils a sense of connectedness which can ameliorate the mental health concerns that result from minority stressors for lesbian, gay, queer, intersex, asexual, and other diverse genders/sexualities (LGBTQIA+). The aim of this study was to explore how LGBTQIA + people communicate social and mental health concerns on TikTok.


West Australian parents’ views on vaccinating their children against COVID-19: a qualitative study

Australian children and adolescents were among the last local cohorts offered COVID-19 vaccines. Despite promising initial uptake, coverage subsequently plateaued, requiring further efforts to improve access and build parents’ recognition of the importance of COVID-19 vaccination.


Circulating epigenomic biomarkers correspond with kidney disease susceptibility in high-risk populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus

To investigate epigenomic indices of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) susceptibility among high-risk populations with type 2 diabetes mellitus.