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The Role of Sleep in the Relationship Between ADHD Symptoms and Stop Signal Task Performance

ADHD commonly occurs with sleep problems and secondary cognitive impairments such as inhibitory control. Sleep problems may explain attentional lapses and inhibition performance variability in children with ADHD. This study applied Bayesian analyses to examine the relationship between ADHD symptoms, sleep problems, and inhibition.


An infant mouse model of influenza-driven nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae colonization and acute otitis media suitable for preclinical testing of novel therapies

Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHi) is a major otitis media (OM) pathogen, with colonization a prerequisite for disease development. Most acute OM is in children <5 years old, with recurrent and chronic OM impacting hearing and learning. Therapies to prevent NTHi colonization and/or disease are needed, especially for young children. Respiratory viruses are implicated in driving the development of bacterial OM in children.


Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infection in Children (PATRIC) Clinical Registry protocol

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are the most common cause of paediatric hospitalisation. There is an urgent need to address ongoing critical knowledge gaps in ARI management. The Pragmatic Adaptive Trial for Respiratory Infections in Children (PATRIC) Clinical Registry will evaluate current treatments and outcomes for ARI in a variety of paediatric patient groups.


Antibiotic consumption for sore throat and the potential effect of a vaccine against group A Streptococcus: a systematic review and modelling study

Antibiotic consumption can lead to antimicrobial resistance and microbiome imbalance. We sought to estimate global antibiotic consumption for sore throat, and the potential reduction in consumption due to effective vaccination against group A Streptococcus.


Impact of ventilation tube insertion on long-term language outcomes at 6 and 10 years of age: A prospective pregnancy cohort study

Investigating the impact of early childhood ventilation tube insertion (VTI) on long-term language outcomes. 


Host Immune Response to Scabies

Scabies infection is associated with heightened total IgE immunoglobulin and IgE antibodies to scabies antigens, with both being extremely high for crusted scabies patients. The IgE antibodies cross-react with house dust mite allergens with high reactivity found to the minor allergen arginine kinase.


Prognostic significance of molecular subgroups in survival outcome for children with medulloblastoma in Malaysia

Advancements in genomic profiling led to the discovery of four major molecular subgroups in medulloblastoma (MB), which have now been incorporated into the World Health Organization classification of central nervous system tumors. The current study aimed to determine the prognostic significance of the MB molecular subgroups among children in Malaysia. 


Grandparents’ Experiences of Childhood Cancer: A Qualitative Study

A child's cancer diagnosis has a significant impact on the lives of grandparents. Grandparents experience the stress of worrying about both their adult children and their grandchildren. Our study aimed to explore the lived experience of grandparents of children diagnosed with cancer.


Effect of Neck-Deep Immersion in Cool or Thermoneutral Water on Blood Glucose Levels in Individuals With Type 1 Diabetes

It is unclear whether immersion in cool water, typical of many beaches, increases the concentration of blood glucose in individuals with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM).


A systematic review of chronobiology for neonatal care units: What we know and what we should consider

A Cochrane 2016 review indicated cycled light might benefit neonatal health in hospital. We systematically reviewed chronobiological factors for neonatal health in hospital units, identifying 56 relevant studies on light-dark cycles, feeding, noise, massage therapy, rooming-in, incubators vs. cribs, neonatal units vs. homes, and time-of-day of birth. Empirical evidence for benefits from chronobiology is weaker than expected, including light.